Page 336 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 336


               Budget: A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given
               period  and  the  proposed  means  of financing  them.  Used  without  any modifier,  the  term  usually
               indicates a financial plan for a single fiscal year.

               Budget Adjustment:     Legal procedure utilized by City staff and City Council to revise a budget

               Budget Calendar: The schedule of key dates or milestones, which the City departments follow in
               the preparation, adoption, and administration of the budget.

               Budget  Document:  The  instrument  used  by  the  budget-making  authority  to  present  a
               comprehensive financial plan of operations to the City Council.

               Budget Message:  The opening section of the document which provides the reader of the budget
               document with a general summary of the important aspects of the budget, including current and
               previous fiscal years and views of the City Manager.

               Budgetary Control: The control or management of a governmental or enterprise fund in accordance
               with an approved budget to keep expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations of

               Capital Budget: A plan for the financing and completion of designated capital projects, financed for
               the  most  part  with  proceeds  from  general  obligation  bond  issues.  The  “capital  improvements
               program” is similar multi-year plan, which includes the year covered by the “capital budget”.

               Capital Improvement Plan (CIP):  An important planning tool that is used to link the City’s physical
               development planning with fiscal planning.

               CARES:  Acronym for Coronavirus Act, Relief and Economic Security Act of 2020 which is a $2.2
               trillion economic stimulus bill passed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

               Capital  Projects  Fund:  A  fund  created  to  account  for  financial  resources  to  be  used  for  the
               acquisition or the construction of major capital facilities or equipment.

               Capital Outlay: type of expenditure within the budget, which results in the acquisition of an asset
               which has a value of at least $5,000 and a useful life of three years or more.

               Certificate of Obligation: A type of municipal debt that is unconditionally backed that can be issued
               without voter approval, usually by a vote of the City Council. Often used for smaller projects.

               City Charter: The document of a home rule City similar to a constitution, which established the City’s
               government  structure  and  provides  for  the  distribution  of  powers  and  duties  among  the  various
               branches of government.

               City Council: The Mayor and seven (7) Council members collectively acting as the legislative and
               policy-making body of the City.

               CLFR:  Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund.  Authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act
               (ARPA) of 2021.  Provides funding to local governments to broadly respond to the COVID-19 public
               health emergency.

               Community Development Block Grant (CDBG):  Federal funds made available to municipalities
               specifically for community revitalization.

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