Page 319 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 319

Budget Glossary

          Southlake Parks Development Corporation                 who pay, for example, sewer service charges.
          (SPDC) Operating Fund: The Southlake Parks
          Development Corporation operating fund                  Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ):
          was established to account for the general              A citizen approved financing mechanism that
          operations of the non-profit corporation                has allowed for the ongoing development of the          Appendix
          established to finance, develop and operate park        Southlake Town Square area.
          and recreational facilities. The SPDC is funded
          primarily through the receipt of municipal sales        Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Operating Fund:
          taxes.                                                  The Tax Increment Finance Operating Fund was
                                                                  established to account for the general operations
          Storm Water Utility District: The Storm                 of the TIF, which was formed to finance and
          Water Utility District is used to account for           make public improvements. The TIF is funded
          the acquisition, operation and maintenance              primarily through the assessment of ad valorem
          of Southlake’s municipal storm water utility,           taxes.
          supported primarily by user charges to the
          public.                                                 Technology Infrastructure and Security Fund:
                                                                  The Technology Infrastructure and Security
          Strategic Initiative Fund: Fund created in              Fund was created in FY 2017 to build capacity
          2005 for the purpose of taking fund balance             for current and future technology needs.
          reserves in excess of the City identified optimal       Expenditures in this fund are used to maintain,
          fund balance level and using them for one-              enhance and replace technology infrastructure
          time expenditures of high impact projects such          and enterprise software to ensure the City
          as infrastructure maintenance, community                receives the most reliable and best value with
          enhancement, and capital acquisition.                   technology investments.  In order to keep up
                                                                  with the increasing number and complexity
          Supplemental Request: A budget request that is          of security threats, this fund also supports
          not included in the base budget.                        technology security projects and programs.

          T                                                       Transfers: Internal movements of revenue and

                                                                  expenses among funds in the budget to provide
          Target-based budget: A budget process                   needed sources of funding for expenses incurred
          in which departments are provided with a                on behalf of another fund.
          maximum level for their budget requests. The
          budget office requires separate justification via       U
          a Supplemental Request for adopted spending
          levels that exceed the target.                          Utility Fund: The Utility Fund, also known as
                                                                  the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund, is used
          Taxes: Compulsory charges levied by a                   to account for the acquisition, operation and
          government for the purpose of financing services        maintenance of Southlake’s municipal water and
          performed for the common benefit. This term             sewer utility, supported primarily by user charges
          does not include specific charges made against          to the public.
          particular persons or property for current or
          permanent benefits such as special assessments,
          or charges for services rendered only to those

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