Page 316 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 316

Budget Glossary

          Franchise: A special privilege granted by a             General Obligation Bonds: Bonds for which the
          government permitting the continuing use                full faith and credit of the issuing government are
          of public property, such as city streets, and           pledged for payment.
          usually involving the elements of monopoly and
          regulation.                                             General Obligation Debt Service Fund: The
                                                                  General Obligation Debt Service Fund is used
          FTE: Acronym which stands for Full-time                 to account for the accumulation of financial
          Equivalent. A numerical expression which                resources for the payment of principle, interest
          indicates the amount of time a position has been        and related costs on general long-term debt
          budgeted for. A position budgeted at 40 hours           paid primarily from taxes levied by the City. The
          per week for 12 months equals 1.0 FTE. Other            fund balance of the General Obligation Debt
          frequently budgeted levels are 20 hours per             Service Fund is reserved to signify the amounts
          week (.5 FTE) to show a position that has been          that are restricted exclusively for debt service
          split between two funds because the employee’s          expenditures.
          responsibilities directly affect two funds.
          Fund: An accounting entity with its own self-
          balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or         Homestead Exemption: A partial exemption
          other sources of revenues against expenditures          of property taxes for owners of a residence.
          for specific activities.                                Qualifications include owning the house on
                                                                  January 1 and living in the house on January 1 of
          Fund Balance: The excess of an entity’s assets          the tax year in question.
          over its liabilities in a particular fund. A negative
          fund balance is sometimes called a deficit.             Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund: The fund used to
                                                                  account for the received revenue from taxes
          G                                                       imposed on hotel guests who pay for a room
                                                                  or space in a hotel. The Hotel Occupancy Tax is
          GAAP: Stands for Generally Accepted                     authorized under the Texas Tax Code, Chapter
          Accounting Principles, which are accounting             351. The City of Southlake adopted Ordinance
          and reporting standards used for both private           No. 769 in February 2000, levying a 7% (.07) tax
          industry and government.                                on the cost of a room.

          GASB: Government Accounting Standards                   I
          Board regulates the rules and standards for all
          governmental units.                                     Indicator: A quantitative measure or index
                                                                  which may represent the degree of presence or
          General Fund: The City’s principal operating            magnitude of change in a condition.
          fund, which is supported by taxes, fees, and
          other revenues that may be used for any lawful          Interfund Transfer:  Money transferred from one
          purpose. The fund of the City that accounts             fund to another.
          for all activity not specifically accounted for
          in other funds. Includes such operations as
          police, fire, engineering, planning, finance and

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