Page 33 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 33
Replacement of water lines in conjunction with Phase 1 of the Opal Street reconstruction ($1,000,000). Certificates
of obligation will be issued for this project.
Improvements for the Park Center water facility to include a chloramine booster and cathodic protection system
·The Enterprise Fund has been balanced with $1,264,555 of reserves for one time and capital items.
The balance of funding for projects not completed in the current year will be rolled forward for completion in
FY24/25. The projects that may be rolled forward include: Old Decatur Road, Knowles Drive Phases 2 and 3, West
McLeroy Phase 3 and East McLeroy 2a design, intersection improvements at Industrial and Blue Mound Road,
Keeter Building redesign, Library/Senior Center, and Parks Projects.
Bonds will be issued for final design of McLeroy Phase 2a, McLeroy Phase 3 final design, and construction of Old
Decatur Road.
It is anticipated the Tarrant County will participate in funding $450,000 of the Old Decatur Road project.
The voters approved an additional one-half cent sales tax for use by the Crime Control and Prevention District
(CCPD) in November 1997. The additional sales tax went into effect on April 1, 1998, and revenues were received
beginning in June 1998. The district was continued for five years in 2002. In 2007 and 2017, the tax was continued
for ten years and reduced to three eighths (3/8) of one percent with the remaining eighth used for street
Sales tax revenues are estimated to be $1,976,215 which is the same as the current year estimate less a one-time
audit adjustment.
The Crime Control and Prevention District will provide for the salaries and benefits of twelve police officers, a
public services officer, and a communications/records supervisor.
The ongoing cost of body worn cameras, tasers, and mobile terminals is included in the budget $76,810. Ongoing
funding is also included for the license plate reader service $67,500.
Funding is provided for three patrol vehicles with associated equipment ($270,400), replacement of 5 radios
($30,625), and construction of an awning to cover 25 parking spaces ($125,000).
The fund is balanced with $153,285 of reserves used for these one-time items.