Page 30 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 30


                                          BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS

          Line item increases in Public Services  include $1,000 for uniforms, $12,000 for street maintenance supplies, $5,000
          sign supplies and materials, $5,000 for signal light repair, $71,875 for contract mowing, and $4,800 increase for
          contract inspections that will be offset by an increase in the inspection fees. There is an expected decrease of $16,000
          in contract planning services as current staff is taking on more of these responsibilities.

          A building maintenance van will be purchased for $80,000.

          A temporary full time Public Works Coordinator (for 2 years) is added to assist with Public services administration

          A temporary full time Building Maintenance Worker (for 2 years) is added $94,200.

          A city-wide leadership training class is funded $2,400.

          Transition costs related to the ERP system is included $204,000.

          Irrigation repairs along East Bailey Boswell Road for $20,000.

          Continued repairs at the Aquatic Center $40,000.

          A Public Services truck will be replaced $60,000.

          Replacement of aging HVAC units $110,000.

          A Public Services truck will be replaced $60,000.

          An electronic plan review station will be purchased $15,000.

          Funding for contract mowing of the parks increased by $9,880.

          Parks capital outlay includes fence repair at the softball complex and privacy slats for the fence ($54,000).

          Community Service increases include senior center supplies $4,620 for three months operations at the new Senior
          Center facility.

          Recreation  Center  improvements  include  replacing  weight  room  equipment  $3,600,  replacing  the  gym  floor
          $110,000, a storage building $10,000, and small equipment necessary for the Senior Center move to the new facility

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