Page 135 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 135
The statewide average is 1.23, while our materials per
Meet and exceed the State average materials per capita capita is 2.31. We also have access to the full collections
as our population increases.
of ten other libraries through our MetroShare partnership.
The program attendance number is down a little from last
year because of a change in the way we calculate
participation in passive programming, but circulation of
Increase patron visits and program attendance by 10%.
materials was extremely high this year, recording our
highest monthly numbers ever in the last 8 months of the
fiscal year.
We had an excellent response with our teen summer
volunteer program this year, which boosted our volunteer
Increase the number of hours donated by volunteers hours this year. We also continue to increase our training
and provide training to ensure quality work.
and support for our Adult Education program volunteer
This year we did inventory on the nonfiction, media and
Take inventory of all materials on a rotating basis so world language sections. We also completed a multi-year
that all sections are covered within a three-year period. weeding project that will facilitate the move to the new
This year (responding to community input), we added more
homeschool programs, fun programs for adults, a special
program for the solar eclipse, and a second book club
focused on the Romance genre. Also, through the
Increase library programs and services based on combined efforts of the MetroShare consortium, with a
community need and interest. grant from the Texas State Library and Archives
Commission, we added the "Library of Things" to the
circulating collection. The LOT includes various kits, tools
and toys that patrons can check out and take home for
learning and entertainment.
Most of our efforts in this area this year have been planning
Meet the demand for increased library services by for the systems and technology in our new building. The
improving the Library's internet and technology services, new facility will include significant upgrades to what we can
both for patrons and staff.
offer our patrons.
We continue to expand our children's outreach program,
bringing storytime activities to local daycares, preschools
Help children develop an interest in reading by making and classrooms. We continue to develop our relationship
reading fun. Offer programs after school and at remote with EMSISD, and offer programs after school. We have
locations in an effort to involve more children in reading.
also added outreach to our local homeschooling families
through daytime programming.