Page 134 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 134


            GOAL: Curiosity • Connection • Creativity. To fulfill the informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of
            the community by providing access to library materials in a variety of formats and by building a balanced collection of
            materials based on the needs, interests and demands of the community. To offer the opportunity and encouragement
            for citizens to educate themselves, keep abreast of progress in all fields of knowledge, discover and develop an
            appreciation of arts and literature and develop and increase enjoyment of reading.
               City             FY 2023-2024                 FY 2023-2024                  FY 2024-2025
             Strategy         Department Goal           Department Achievement           Department Goal
                                                       This year we worked with our
                                                         MetroShare consortium
                                                      successfully applied for a grant
                                                     from the Texas State Library and
                                                     Archives Commission to purchase
                                                          a shared collection of
                                                      programming kits (the supplies
                         Leverage our new partnership                             Open a placemaking, community-
              Expand                                 and equipment necessary to host
            Community     with the MetroShare library   various kinds of crafts, games,   focused new Library facility, with
                                                                                      technological and service
                         consortium to offer innovative
            Quality of life  programs and extend our services   and activities) at all age levels.   innovations to better meet
             amenities                                The grant also provided funds to
                            and collection offerings.                                 Saginaw's unique needs.
                                                       develop a shared MetroShare
                                                     "Library of Things", a collection of
                                                      tools, toys, electronics, games,
                                                      musical instruments, and more
                                                        that can be checked out by
                                                        patrons from any of our 11

                                                       In addition to the MetroShare
                                                     grant, we applied for and recieved
                                                     a Collection Enhancement Grant
                                                       from the Texas Book Festival.
                                                       The $2500 grant was used to
                                                         purchase Wonderbooks
                                                        (combined book/audio) for
                                                     children, in English and Spanish.
                                                      In addition, the Library Boosters
                          Apply for at least two grants and                        Apply for at least two grants and
             Maintain a                              donated $4,290 for the children's
             financially   two additional donations per year.   Summer Reading Club. We   two additional donations per year.
                            Increase leadership and
             sound City   participation in the MetroShare   currently have five staff members   Utilize donations from our citizens
                                                                                   and Library Boosters to optimize
             providing   Library Consortium. Continue to   serving on MetroShare     and furnish our new facility.
              superior   develop partnerships with local   committees, which allows us to   Continue to develop partnerships
              services                               work together with our partners in
                            groups and businesses.                                with local groups and businesses.
                                                     a variety of ways. For our summer
                                                      programming, we partnered with
                                                      12 local businesses and several
                                                     individual citizens to sponsor our
                                                      prizes and incentives. We also
                                                        work closely with EMSISD
                                                      throughout the year, both in our
                                                     children's outreach programming
                                                     and our Adult Education program.

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