Page 258 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 258

The Phases of Capital Improvements

                                                    The Planning Phase
                  The planning phase typically identifies the projected infrastructure need and funding options,
                    incorporates funding into the financial plan and develops a multi-year list of projects to be
                      completed based on projected growth.  Captial projects may require voter approval.

                                                     The Design Phase
                         Once the planning process is complete, design begins on the approved Capital
                    Improvement Projects. The design phase may and often does occur over multiple years.

                                                  The Construction Phase
                    Once the planning and design phases are complete, the construction phase begins. The
                    construction phase may include land acquisition, utility relocation, and the bid process for
                      each project. On some projects, construction may take multiple years. The citizens of
                                Mansfield are notified of any traffic impact or service disruption.

                                                   The Completion Phase
                      The completion phase includes final inspection of the project and opening of streets,
                                                  utilities, facilities, or parks.

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