Page 88 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 88


               The City of Kennedale continues to receive the majority of its water from the City of Arlington;
               however, a small amount is purchased from the City of Fort Worth and blended with
               groundwater. The collection system is channeled to the Trinity River Authority via the City of

               The City is in the 5th year of a contract with the City of Arlington for operations and
               maintenance of the Kennedale water and sewer system and utility billing services. The primary
               source of revenue for the Water/Sewer fund is charges for services, which accounts for 91% of
               all revenue.

                                                    SHORT-TERM GOALS

                  Implement the sanitary sewer interceptor improvement project, which involves upgrading
                   approximately 10,000 LF of sewer pipelines along the northwest sector of the city, from
                   North Road to Gilman Road
                  Invest in the rehabilitation of the groundwater tank, T4, at 751 Caruthers Ln. (High School)
                   and the elevated tank, T3, at 500 Gail Dr.  to maintain water distribution sustainability, fire
                   flow and pressure

                  Meet the October 16, 2024 deadline for the Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) service
                   line inventory

                  Be compliant with America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, Emergency Preparedness
                   Plan (EPP), SB3

                                                    LONG-TERM GOALS

                  Upgrade all undersized water and sewer piping to an 8” diameter minimum
                  Loop all dead-end mains, as deemed necessary
                  Upsize the existing 6” sewer line, in the Hillside Addition, to a 12”

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