Page 86 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 86
The Stormwater Utility Fund is an Enterprise Fund with the responsibility for providing
stormwater management to approximately 3,217 residential, commercial, and industrial
customers. It serves approximately 8,463 residents in Kennedale. Stormwater management is a
vital issue affecting Kennedale’s future, with millions of dollars of identified projects needed to
address life safety issues, flooding, and infrastructure damage. This funding was established to
prevent flooding, preserve streams, minimize water pollution, and to operate the stormwater
system in a more effective manner to fully comply with state and federal regulatory
requirements. This will be accomplished by improving infrastructure reconstruction and system
maintenance, master planning, enhanced development review, and increased public education
and outreach.
Initial funding from the Texas Water Development Board, TWDB, was finalized and once
additional funding is approved by the Federal Emergency Management Administration,
FEMA, initiate a construction contract for the Valley Lane Channel improvements
Collett Sublett Road drainage improvements
Continue open drainage maintenance with Tarrant County’s Inter-Local Agreements
Continue spraying of drainage channels to effectively control unwanted vegetation
Systematically improve infrastructure reconstruction and system maintenance, master
planning, enhanced development review, and increased public education and outreach
Focus on reducing runoff and improving water quality through maintaining natural
hydrologic cycles, site grading, vegetation, soils, and natural processes that absorb and filter
stormwater onsite