Page 60 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
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Training is scheduled for the bullet resistant shields purchased through grant funding
The Virtra grant funded firearms simulator is still being utilized for training
The federal ballistic vest partnership grant continues to be utilized as needed
Continue sending command and supervisory staff to ILEA, LEMIT-LCC, and FBI LEEDA for
leadership training
Chief Holguin to attend the FBI National Academy
Apply for grants for equipment and positions that enhance the department's ability to
deliver varied and high-quality services
Create a five-year strategic plan for department to meet internal and external growth
Implement formal programs and additional community outreach partnerships through:
Public Safety Cadets
Shattered Dreams Program
Kennedale Citizens Police Academy
Coffee with a Cop
Enhance patrol tactics training to meet the evolving needs of our community through the
current four-hour per month training mandate
Conduct ALERRT training once per quarter
Implement the Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) program for coordinated active
attack response between the fire department and the police department
Hire an additional Captain to assist with the day-to-day operation and to meet the future
demands and goals of the department to provide better service to our community
Complete policy revisions
Increase traffic enforcement by 2% in fiscal year 2024-2025
Decrease Part I NIBRS crimes by 2% in fiscal year 2024-2025
An increase of three community engagement/outreach programs in fiscal year 2024-2025
Earn 1 Place for National Night Out (NNO) participation nationally and in Texas
Maintain full staffing level in fiscal year 2024-2025
Host regional training through current agreement with North Texas Council of Governments
(NTCOG) Regional Police Academy
Implementation of formal Emergency Operations processes, procedures, and strategic plans
Full implementation of PowerDMS for scheduling and to track inventory
Purchase detective vehicles
Begin a fitness program for all officers
Increase field personnel as the need for police services and the population of the city