Page 209 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 209

                                                   Special Revenue Fund
                                                    119-312 Lake Parks

               FOCUS AREA(S)
               High Service Levels/Quality of Life, Infrastructure

               Department Description
               The Lake Parks Department is responsible for ensuring  all people have access to parks and programs, providing
               development opportunities and resources for team members to achieve a culture of excellence, enhancing stewardship of
               natural resources and delivering quality parks, services and programs. The Department is also responsible for striving for
               responsive and responsible provision of leisure opportunities while also taking a proactive approach for patrons, staff and
               resource protection. Within the Lake Parks Department is the Lake Parks Administration, Rockledge, Katie’s Woods,
               Vineyards, Oak Grove, McPherson Slough, Lakeview and Meadowmere Division.

               The Lake Parks (119 Special Revenue Fund) is one division under within the Parks & Recreation Department. Though
               separated for accounting purposes, the various locations (The Vineyards, Meadowmere, Oak Grove, etc.) all are
               administered and operated by the same manager, maintenance and operations staff; and as such, the Accomplishments,
               Goals and Objectives are not separated out per geographic area. This is consistent with the Operating Budget Report
               that only shows one set of Objectives and Performance Indicators for the entire Lake Parks Division.

               There are 4 separate leases between the US Army Corps of Engineers and the City of Grapevine which include the
               geographical areas listed below. Each area is operated under the Lake Parks Division of the Parks & Recreation

               Mission Statement
               It is the mission of Grapevine Parks and Recreation to enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Grapevine, through
               the stewardship of natural resources and the responsive provision of quality leisure opportunities. The Lake Parks
               Division operates within the Parks & Recreation Department and shares the same Mission Statement.

               FY24 Department Accomplishments
                     Successfully implemented and operated Go Wild and Outdoor Recreational classes throughout the Lake
                       Parks, including archery, fly fishing, Sailing Camp, Homeschool Expedition and more.
                     Successfully delivered 5 themed family campouts
                     Successfully produced the largest-to-date PumpkinFest Event
                     Was an integral part of planning, programming and implementing lights, lasers, sound and pyro for the
                       Carol of Lights and Drone Shows
                     Meadowmere Park Education Pavilion approval from Facilities Committee and City Council
                     Managed and mitigated flood event of 2024 to re-open faster than previous flood years and still operate
                       successfully to the result of $2.9 million in revenue despite extended flood closures.
                     Successful operation of The Vineyards Campground, displaying first class customer service even during a
                       flood year maintaining high national, state and customer ratings, scores and standards.
                     Converted 2 uneven paved sites into 4 premium concrete sites at The Vineyards, increasing occupancy and
                     Dove Loop Boat Ramp parking renovation, including repairs, crack sealing, seal coating and re-striping.
                     Another successful 10-weeks of Dove Creek Day Camp, filling all camps with 800+ on the waitlist
                     Designed and implemented new Park Regulation signs with icons throughout the lake parks system and
                       boat ramps in a continued effort to help with enforcement.
                     Developed partnership with Realty Capital for enhancing Rockledge Park, including providing additional
                       funding sources.
                     Developed safety and operating procedures and successfully implemented new Departmental Rock Wall
                       for use at various events.
                     Executed Take A Kid Mountain Biking Program through partnerships with DORBA, REI, and Grapevine
                     Developed new Compliance Technician position to help monitor the vast areas of contracted services
                       across the City, including significant impact on the Lake Park, for better efficiency and performance.

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