Page 171 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
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Supplies are budgeted at $1.9 Convention & Visitors $683,525 35.6%
million for FY25, $148,890 more CVB Incentives $0 0.0%
than the previous year.
Expenditures in FY24 are Stormwater Drainage $35,700 1.9%
estimated at $1.45 million and Crime Control & Prevention $955,875 49.8%
represent an increase of $54,587 Economic Development $12,800 0.7%
from the previous year. Supplies Lake Parks $229,950 12.0%
represent 2% of Special Revenue Total $1,917,850 100.0%
Fund expenditures, the same as the
previous budget year.
Services are budgeted at $26 Convention & Visitors $13,859,871 52.4%
million for FY25 and represent an CVB Incentives $5,009,419 18.9%
increase of $1.5 million (6.3%) Stormwater Drainage $232,767 0.9%
from the previous budget year. Crime Control & Prevention $2,465,044 9.3%
Expenditures in the Convention &
Visitors fund are budgeted at $13.8 Lake Parks $1,632,983 6.2%
million and represent 52% of the Economic Development $3,274,995 12.4%
total. Expenditures for services in Total $26,475,079 100.0%
the CCPD fund are budgeted at
$2.4 million and are primarily comprised of charges for fleet maintenance charges, and technology
charges. Services represent 32% of Special Revenue Fund expenditures.
Insurance charges are budgeted at Convention & Visitors $1,882,679 30.8%
$6.1 million and represents a $1.6
million increase from the previous Stormwater Drainage $221,560 3.6%
budget year. This category Crime Control & Prevention $3,716,392 60.9%
includes employee Economic Development $79,270 1.3%
health/life/dental costs as well as Lake Parks $204,444 3.3%
property and casualty costs. Total $6,104,345 100.0%
Beginning in FY19, the allocation
also included costs for retiree coverage for each respective operating fund.
Transfers Out are budgeted at $5.1 Convention & Visitors $2,586,310 49.8%
million and represent a $344,613 Stormwater Drainage $332,840 6.4%
increase from the previous budget Lake Parks $50,830 1.0%
year. Expenditures in this category
primarily consist of administrative Economic Development $1,796,891 34.6%
fee payments to the General fund in 4B Transit $425,816 8.2%
lieu of taxes. Other transfers Total $5,192,687 100.0%
include principal and interest payments to the Debt Service fund and funding for the CVB’s visitor
shuttle service. Actual expenditures in FY24 totaled $4.4 million. Transfers represent 6% of Special
Revenue Fund expenditures.
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