Page 170 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
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Expenditures and Other Financing Uses

               Expenditures of Special Revenue funds total $83.9 million for FY25, an increase of $8.1 million
               (11%) from the prior year’s budget.  Total expenditures in FY24 are estimated at $80.8 million, up
               $7.8 million (11%) from the previous year.

                SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS            FY-2021      FY-2022     FY-2023      FY-2024     FY-2025
                Total Expenditures By Fund        Actual       Actual      Actual      Estimate   Approved

                Convention & Visitors            $15,590,671  $17,304,698  $23,157,076  $24,106,448  $27,510,823
                CVB Incentives                    $3,630,020  $4,511,868   $5,937,846  $5,728,488   $5,009,419
                Stormwater Drainage               $1,693,207  $1,682,110   $1,548,419  $3,170,446   $2,182,679
                Crime Control & Prevention       $18,196,656  $19,563,534  $21,192,826  $23,244,156  $24,229,388
                Lake Parks                        $2,889,972  $2,943,938   $3,066,245  $2,684,270   $3,401,294
                4B Transit                        $9,607,378  $12,698,859  $13,916,048  $15,972,779  $15,937,500
                Economic Development              $5,170,716  $4,599,205   $4,154,583  $5,890,363   $5,654,215
                Total                            $56,778,620  $63,304,212  $72,973,043  $80,796,950  $83,925,318
                Increase / (Decrease)            ($6,931,673)  $6,525,592  $9,668,831  $7,823,907   $3,128,368
                % Change                               -11%         11%         15%          11%          4%

               Personnel expenses are the largest   Convention & Visitors           $8,179,926       30.7%
               expenditure category, totaling 32%   Stormwater Drainage               $699,812        2.6%
               of  all  budgeted  expenditures.     Crime Control & Prevention     $16,607,727       62.3%
               Personnel expenses are budgeted at   Economic Development              $490,259        1.8%
               $26.7 million, an increase of $1.8
               million  from the previous budget    Lake Parks                        $692,837        2.6%
               year.   Public safety employees  in   Total                         $26,670,561     100.0%
               the Crime Control  & Prevention
               (CCPD) fund account for 62% of the total.  The CCPD fund also contains the majority of total
               authorized positions with 132.0 full-time positions.

               Authorized positions (full-time positions only) total 70.0 in the Convention & Visitors Bureau fund,
               8.0 authorized positions (full-time positions only) in the Stormwater Drainage fund, 5.0 authorized
               positions (full-time positions only) in the Lake Parks fund, and 3.5 in the Economic Development

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