Page 153 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 153
General Fund
Planning Services
High Service Levels/Quality of Life, Safety and Security
Department Description
The Planning Services Department manages long-range planning and research, review of zoning applications, and other
development requests to ensure compliance with City requirements. The Department works closely with property
owners, developers, the community, and other city staff on a variety of projects. The Department is responsible for
ensuring land use ordinances and regulations are current with state law, utilizing industry best management practices
(BMPs), facilitating educational development for Boards and Commissions involved in land use decisions, facilitating
a professional and consistent development review process and implementing technology upgrades to promote
accessibility of information for residents and business owners. The Department is also responsible for gaining
voluntary compliance of nuisance, health, and safety violations through public education and community partnerships.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Planning Services Department is to provide professional service, promote community awareness,
protect the integrity of Grapevine’s neighborhoods, and improve the quality of life of citizens through effective public
contact and education, cooperative partnerships, and enforcing the city’s ordinances equitably.
FY24 Department Accomplishments
Involved in 13 unique legislative amendments.
Reviewed over 75 development projects.
Hosted the American Planners Association Midwest Chapter tour of historic Grapevine.
Facilitated 10 workshops to review and revise the Future Land Use map.
Implemented electronic plan review software across various departments.
Worked with a third-party to bring the Zoning Ordinance into compliance with recent state legislative
FY25 Department Goals and Objectives
Review and propose amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to create a consistent and user-friendly
document and include compliance with state mandated land use legislation.
Respond to zoning/development and nuisance, health and safety inquiries in a timely manner, typically
within 24 hours.
Maintain and update the city’s official zoning map, future land use map, Zoning and Ordinance and
Comprehensive Plan (Master Plan), as needed.
Conduct several training and workshops on topical subjects with Boards and Commissions.
Maintain/update active development application files and track activity for reference including metrics.
Refine and amend standard operating procedures documents for Planning and Code Enforcement divisions.
Continuously monitor and update tools and systems to provide greater transparency of our programs and
Inspect and identify offenses, notify property owners and tenants of offensive conditions, educates and
cooperates with citizens to remediate offenses and coordinates with Municipal Court.
Coordinate with other city departments and state agencies.
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