Page 128 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 128
General Fund
Parks and Recreation – Athletic Programs
Division Description
The Parks and Recreation Athletic Programs Division is committed to providing a safe, fun, and competitive
learning experience through leagues, classes, and camps. The division fosters strong working relationships and
partnerships with local school districts, civic groups, co-sponsored youth associations, and other entities to offer
quality athletic programming to the community. Additionally, the division organizes local, state, and national
tournaments that bring players and spectators to Grapevine, generating significant economic impact for the City.
FY24 Division Accomplishments
Hosted a total of 38 events for soccer, baseball, and softball tournaments, with 4,113 games and 3,122
teams. In addition, 515 GBS recreation games were hosted.
Successfully hosted the Travel Sports World Series events, navigating challenges posed by park and street
closures due to flooding.
Revisited GBS operations in preparation for the season, adjusting Coach Looks to better align with the
evolving needs of the league.
The GBS Spring 2024 season featured the largest number of teams to date, with 67 teams participating.
Began streamlining the background check and ID badge process, making it more efficient for processing
over 250 volunteers each season for GBS.
FY25 Division Goals and Objectives
Provide a safe, fun, and competitive learning experience through leagues, classes, and camps.
Foster working relationships and partnerships with local school districts, civic groups, co-sponsored youth
associations, and other entities to deliver high-quality athletic programming to the community.
Organize local, state, and national tournaments that attract players and spectators, contributing to the
economic impact of the City of Grapevine.
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2024-25
EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
Personnel 225,466 204,267 203,286 217,285 236,796
Supplies 109,706 123,903 135,800 135,528 152,500
Maintenance 1,216 308 2,000 1,996 2,200
Services 322,182 318,608 375,400 374,649 376,000
Capital Outlay - - 7,300 8,602 5,300
Total 658,570 647,086 723,786 738,061 772,796
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