Page 111 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 111

                                                       General Fund
                                                   Fire – Fire Operations

               Division Description
               The Fire Operations Division provides fire protection, rescue services, and emergency medical service to
               approximately 51,000 citizens in a service coverage area of more than 23.5 square miles. This Division also provides
               service to the many visitors that frequent the more than 3,000 hotel rooms, restaurants and festivals within our city.
               This Division now handles more than 6,000 emergency incidents a year. This Division has three shifts, (A, B, and C),
               with 30 firefighters assigned to each shift and is led by a Battalion Chief. This allows the department to have a
               minimum of 26 firefighters on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Each fire company has a Captain that oversees
               their activities. The city is divided into five geographical areas or fire districts. Each fire district has one fire station
               located within it. This Division responds to a variety of calls, including emergency medical calls (EMS), building fires,
               rescues, wildland fires, automobile accidents, boating accidents, drowning and lockouts. Additionally, fire station
               personnel are responsible for conducting fire prevention inspections in their area, developing pre-fire plans of
               businesses and apartment complexes, participating in continuing education and skills training, maintaining their
               equipment and station, presenting public education messages at schools, community events, station tours and installing
               smoke detectors in homes.
               All of the ambulances and fire apparatus are equipped with Advanced Life Support (ALS) equipment so that immediate
               patient care can be initiated by the first arriving unit.

               FY24 Division Accomplishments
                     Provided injury prevention training through Target Solutions for preventable accidents.
                     Completed all required training for Texas Commission on Fire Protection.
                     Apparatus response times were met.

               FY25 Division Goals and Objectives
                     To continue to respond to 90 percent of 9-1-1 calls for emergencies in all first alarm districts within 5
                       minutes of the call being dispatched.
                     To continue to provide injury prevention training with of all injuries classified as preventable.
                     Perform engine company, ladder company, and MICU company evaluations to ensure operational
                     Fire apparatus continue to respond in 60 seconds or less for EMS calls.
                     Fire apparatus continue to respond in 80 seconds or less for fire and vehicle accident calls.

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