Page 224 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 224

Special Revenue Fund                                                    Economic Incentives

            The use of the EDIF to support private projects was recommended by the Economic Development Strategic Plan
            that  was  recently  updated  in  2022.  The  recommendation  was  guided  by  the  City’s  Economic  Development
            Program Policy which identifies the EDIF as an incentive tool that may be used to support qualified projects in all
            industries, but with strong consideration given to applicants that operate in Target Sectors outlined in the policy
            and as approved by City Council.

            Since the inception of the fund, the City Council has approved six awards for a total amount of $4,438,250 subject
            to verification that project commitments have been achieved.
            These  approved  awards  include:  $1,000,000  to  Wesco/Incora Aircraft  for  the  creation  of  615  jobs  (and  other
            project  commitments),  $218,750  to  Watts/PVI  for  the  creation  of  243  jobs  (and  other  project  commitments),
            $212,000 to Ariat International for the creation of 450 jobs (and other project commitments), $660,000 to Smart
            Action  for  the  creation  of  81  jobs  (and  other  project  commitments),  $1,500,000  to  Probably  Monsters  for  the
            creation of 300 jobs (and other project commitments), and $847,500 to ITS Logistics for the creation of 250 jobs
            (and other project commitments). Of these authorized projects, agreements for Wesco/Incora Aircraft and Watts/
            PVI  were  either  unexecuted  or  terminated  for  non-performance;  therefore,  grants  from  the  EDIF  will  not  be
            delivered to the companies but will instead remain deposited in the EDIF for use towards future projects.

            Three projects are currently in active negotiation that may have an additional economic impact on the EDIF over
            the next three years.

            The FY2025 Recommended budget increases by $5,000,000 for Economic Incentives, fully funded by a transfer
            from the General Fund.

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