Page 197 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 197
Special Revenue Fund Crime Control and Prevention District
Revenue from the ½ cent sales tax provides the necessary resources to effectively implement crime reduction
strategies pertaining to the following funding categories or initiatives: enhanced response; neighborhood crime
prevention; partners with a shared mission; recruitment and training; equipment, technology, and infrastructure.
These strategies include deploying officers to respond to emerging crime trends, supporting citizen participation
and crime prevention programs, replacing vehicles and equipment critical to crime control, increasing security at
schools, and providing an adequate number of officers throughout Fort Worth’s neighborhoods. With multiple
programs that constitute the crime control plan and scope, the initiatives capture the allowable expenses under
the Crime Control and Prevention District Act. The annual funding application provides a detailed list of the
programs supported by the District.
The Fund is administered by the Fort Worth Police Department and includes a needs assessment process to
consider crime reduction programs and solutions overseen by other city departments. The process continues to
evolve in collaboration with City Management, the FWLab, and the Police Department. This year, the Fund
provides resources for programs primarily for Police but also includes allocations for programming in
Neighborhood Services, Library, Park and Recreation, Public Events, and Transportation and Public Works.
The Fund is managed by an eleven-member board of directors that establishes the annual budget and policies,
oversees expenditures, and evaluates programs funded by the District. Each year, the board adopts a budget that
is then submitted to the city council. The council approves or rejects the budget as submitted by the CCPD board.
The CCPD maintains a comprehensive set of financial management policy statements that are administered by
city staff on behalf of the Crime Control & Prevention District. These policies aim to ensure that financial resources
are available to meet the present and future needs through effective program planning for CCPD revenue.
CCPD Goals:
• Manage the budget based on funding priorities
• Continue to provide opportunities for citizens to learn about CCPD
• Support efforts to reduce violent crime and gang-related activities through enhanced enforcement
activities and crime prevention programs
• Support efforts to increase the safety of residents and decrease crime throughout Fort Worth
• Support efforts to increase the safety of youth and reduce juvenile crime through crime prevention and
intervention programs
• Support efforts to enhance crime-fighting and prevention tools and efforts through diverse recruitment,
training, and retention of high-quality officers; technology and equipment; and capital improvements
More information about CCPD may be found at