Page 161 - City of Fort Worth Budget Book
P. 161
General Fund Park and Recreation
The Recreation Division manages twenty-one (21) community centers, the Log Cabin Village, the Fort Worth
Nature Center & Refuge, Forest Park and Marine Park Pools, Sycamore Sprayground, and management
contracts related to various facilities programmed by outside entities.
The Planning and Resource Management Division manages the identification of park system needs/inventory,
new parkland acquisition, oversight of park development projects, park system infrastructure maintenance, in-
house small capital project construction, and the supply of and care for trees on city-owned property. Additionally,
this division is responsible for tracking the expenditure of park gas well funds in compliance with the city’s
Financial Management Policy Statements.
The Golf and Athletics Division includes the Municipal Golf Fund and the General Fund athletic facilities and
programs. Athletics includes Haws Athletics Center, McLeland Tennis Center, Sycamore Community Center
(SYCC), athletics maintenance, adult and youth athletics programs, portions of the CCPD-Parks Community
Policing Programs, and the CCPD-Funded Late Night Program (FW@6) at SYCC. The Municipal Golf Fund is
discussed in the Special Revenue Section.
The department will continue addressing current and future recreation and open space operations and budget
implications related to economic cost increases and supply chain delays.
The Recommended Budget:
• Increases by $3,220,186 for three authorized positions (AP) including Community center Aide and 73
(APs) transfers to take assume the management and operation of Community Centers from the
Neighborhood Services Department.
• Decreases by ($124,184) includes the transfer of two (APs) to the FWLab to support Good Natured
• Increases by $1,774,456 in salary and benefits for previously approved costs associated with pay for
performance, step increases, rising health care costs and pension contributions.
• Increases by $875,221 in General Operating & Maintenance for Botanic Garden (BRIT) and Fort Worth
Zoo (FWZA) capital plan improvement annual adjustments.
• Increases by $683,425 in General Operating & Maintenance for previously approved costs associated
with risk management, administrative cost, and IT solutions allocation costs.
• Increases by $541,230 in General Operating & Maintenance to take over the responsibility of Community
Centers from Neighborhood Services.
• Increases by $170,000 in General Operating & Maintenance for a contract with LVTRise to support
operating and programming expenses.
• Increases by $166,774 in General Operating & Maintenance for previous commitment costs on purchase
property, professional and technical services, and supplies.
• Increases by $148,718 in General Operating & Maintenance for electricity and other utility costs.
• Decreases by ($72,640) one-time cost for the RFID readers to replace the Fleet & Fuel Management
• Decreases by ($147,355) in salary and benefits due to pay band adjustment and budgeted vacancy
savings rate that produces salary savings.
• Decreases by ($192,697) due to the reduction of La Gran Plaza Lease Costs.
• Decreases by ($328,481) due to expenses for consultant and professional services. These involve hiring
external experts for specialized tasks.