Page 355 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 355

Colleyville Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Fund - The CCPD Fund serves both operating and
            capital purposes and is funded by a ½ cent sales tax imposed speci cally for the Crime Control and Prevention
            District. The funds are restricted to police improvements and projects that enhance public safety.

            Colleyville Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) Fund - The CEDC Fund supports both operating and
            capital expenditures and is  nanced by a ½ cent sales tax dedicated to the Economic Development
            Corporation. It can only be used for Type B Economic Development Corporation-approved projects, including
            economic development initiatives and quality-of-life improvements, such as parks, the library, and the
            Colleyville Center.

            Drainage Capital Fund - The Drainage Capital Fund is designated for capital projects related to stormwater
            management and drainage. It is funded by excess revenues from the Drainage Fund, ensuring dedicated
            resources are available for necessary infrastructure improvements.

            Grant Fund - The Grant Fund is used to account for federal and state grants, outside participation, and other
            grants and monies provided to the City of Colleyville for speci c purposes. These funds are restricted and can
            only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the granting organization, ensuring
            compliance with all applicable agreements and regulations.

            Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Fund - The TIF Fund is supported by the increment in property tax revenues
            generated within the TIF district. Funds are used exclusively for TIF-eligible projects within the designated
            zone, promoting targeted development and revitalization.

            Tomorrow Fund and Parks Tomorrow Fund - The Tomorrow Fund and Parks Tomorrow Fund were initially
            funded by proceeds from gas leases on city-owned property. Although they no longer receive new funding,
            they continue to generate interest. These funds can be used for capital projects on city property and park

            Voluntary Park Fund and Voluntary Library Fund - The Voluntary Park Fund and Voluntary Library Fund are
            funded by voluntary contributions from residents and businesses, which can be made directly or through a
            voluntary contribution option on water bills. These funds can be used for both operating and capital expenses
            related to parks and the library.

            Library Building Donation Fund - The Library Building Donation Fund consists of private and corporate
            donations speci cally earmarked for capital purchases related to the library building, ensuring ongoing
            support for facility enhancements and renovations.

            Tree Preservation Fund - The Tree Preservation Fund is funded by contributions from developers who are
            developing property within the City. It is used to support operations related to the replacement and
            preservation of trees, promoting environmental sustainability.

            Other Capital Project Funds

            Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Fund - The Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Fund is dedicated to the
            purchase of  eet vehicles, rolling stock equipment, and computer/IT equipment for the City. This fund is
            supported by transfers from various operating funds and supplemented by revenue generated from the sale of
            obsolete equipment.

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