Page 14 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 14

Population Overview

                            T O T A  L     P O P U L  A T  I O N
                                                                                           G  R O W  T  H     R  A N K
                            25,876                                  .2%                    619    out of  1222
                                                                    vs. 2021
                                                                                            Municipalities in Texas



                     22 .5k




                      12 .5k

                         1990  1992  1994  1996  1998  2000  2002  2004  2006  2008  2010  2012  2014  2016  2018  2020  2022
                     * Data Source: U. S . Census Bureau American Community Sur vey 5-year Data and the 2020, 2010, 2000, and 1990 Decennial Censuses

                                                  Day time population represents the effect of persons coming into or
                        D A Y T I M E   P O  P  U  L  A T I O  N
                                                  leaving a community for work , enter tainment , shopping, etc . during the
                         25,078                   typical workday. An increased day time population puts greater demand
                                                  on host community ser vices which directly impacts operational costs.

                                           * Data Source: American Community Sur vey 5-year estimates

                                                 P  O  P U  L A T  I  O  N     B Y     A G  E    G  R O U P

                                      <5  5-9  10 -14  15-19  20 -24  25-34  35- 44  45-54  55-59  60 - 64  65-74  75-84  >85

                          Aging affec ts the needs and lifestyle choices of residents. Municipalities must adjust and plan ser vices accordingly.
                                           * Data Source: American Community Sur vey 5-year estimates

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025                                                     Page 14
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