Page 10 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 10

Drainage Fund       738,386      761,805   3.2%
              Development        3,450,991   2,632,985  -23.7%
              (CEDC) Operating

              Colleyville Crime
              Control &
              Prevention          2,575,691  3,275,045  27.2%
              District (CCCPD)
              Hotel Tax Fund       188,532    285,827   51.6%

              Special Revenue        1,258     315,732   N/A 1
              Funds Operating 1

              Improvement       21,288,843  22,434,494   5.4%

              Total           $ 79,255,071  $ 83,014 ,050  4 .7%

              1  - Note: In FY 2024 the majority of miscellaneous special revenue
              funds were not budgeted for, they were budgeted for beginning
              in FY 2025.

             Municipal government is a service business, and the predominant expense category in the Budget is always
             personnel and associated salary and bene t expenses. Personnel costs comprise 32.8%, or $27.2 million, of
             the FY 25 Budget, which is a 6.6% increase due to salary and healthcare cost increases.

             The largest category in the Budget is the General Fund operating budget at $27.9 million or 33.6% of the FY
             25 Budget, a 6.4% increase. Debt service accounts for 1.9%, or $1.5 million. The 24.7% increase in debt service
             is due to the replacement Ladder Truck purchase for the Fire Department.

             Proper ty and Sales Tax
             Taxable property values have increased by 8.6% for the 2024 tax year compared to 2023. The FY 25 proposed
             tax rate is $0.276204 per $100 taxable value, versus the FY 24 rate of $0.260991. While an increase was
             required, it was partially offset by the 7% homestead exemption, ensuring that the burden on homeowners
             is minimized.

             Sales tax remains a strong revenue source but has begun to level off in FY 24. The FY 25 Budget re ects a
             modest sales tax increase, budgeting $5.2 million in revenue.

             User Fees and Charges
             In FY 25, the City will implement updated water and wastewater base rates to cover increasing operating
             costs. The average residential user will see a $2.77 monthly increase, and larger meters will experience
             increases between $4.79 and $20.95. Drainage utility rates will also increase by $2 for residential properties,
             with a similar increase planned for FY 26.

             Employee Staf{ng
             Colleyville’s philosophy is to maintain lean staf ng levels. The only staf ng change for FY 25 is the conversion
             of an IT support position from part-time to full-time, achieved by reducing contract labor costs elsewhere in
             the budget.

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025                                                     Page 10
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