Page 118 - CityofColleyvilleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 118
The Colleyville Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One (TIF) is a
discreetly presented component unit of the City of Colleyville. The TIF is established
as a governmental fund speci cally designed to nance public infrastructure
improvements and stimulate economic development within the designated
reinvestment zone.
Although the TIF is not included in the City's main reporting entity, it plays a crucial
role in the broader picture of city spending by allocating incremental property tax
revenues generated within the zone to fund necessary public improvements. These
improvements are aimed at attracting private investment, enhancing property
TIF Fund
values, and fostering long-term economic growth in the area.
The TIF is not considered a major fund, as its revenues and expenditures do not
constitute more than 10% of the City’s appropriated budget. However, the
information regarding the TIF is provided to offer a comprehensive view of the City's
overall nancial activities and its commitment to economic development.
By reinvesting in the zone, the TIF supports the City’s strategic goals of improving
infrastructure, promoting business growth, and enhancing the quality of life for
Colleyville residents.
Fund Summary
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2025 Page 118