Page 64 - CityofBurlesonFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 64


               GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS                                 requires the City to officially identify and
                                                                  appropriate funding at this early stage. The City's
                                                                  CAFR contains a reconciliation between the
               All budgets prepared for governmental funds are
               budgeted on a basis similar to the modified        budget or financial plan and the actual results of
               accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of   operations. This reconciliation reflects the
               accounting, revenues are recognized when they      adjustments necessary to report the results of
               become measurable and available to finance         operations on a budgetary basis rather than a
               expenditures of the current period.                modified accrual basis.

               Expenditures are generally recognized when the     PROPRIETARY FUNDS
               related fund liability is incurred. However, there
               are two fundamental differences between the        Budgeting for business-like funds are called
               bases used to report the City’s financial plan, (i.e.,   Proprietary Funds.  There are two types, the
               the budget) versus the basis used to report        Enterprise and Internal Service Funds.  Both are
               the historical results of financial operations (the   prepared in a manner similar to the basis used in
               Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or CAFR).    the accrual method of accounting but the
                                                                  treatment of capital purchases represents an
               Firstly, the City employs full encumbrance         area in which fundamental differences exist.
               accounting at the budgetary level. Encumbrances    These differences are, once again related to the
               represent commitments related to unperformed       timing rather than the amount of expenditures.
               contracts for goods or services. Encumbrances
               outstanding at year end represent the estimated    In an accrual accounting environment, such as
               amount of expenditures ultimately to result if     that used in the preparation of appropriate
               unperformed contracts in process at year-end are
               completed. Encumbrances outstanding at year-       sections of the CAFR, capital purchases do not
               end constitute neither expenditures nor liabilities   immediately give rise to expenses. Instead,
               on a modified accrual basis of accounting.         capital items are recorded as assets and
               However, on a budgetary basis these amounts are    depreciated over their useful lives.
               reflected as having been funded by appropriations
               of the budget in force at the time the             Each year an amount of depreciation is recorded
               encumbrance was created. For example, assume       as an expense. So, in effect, the cost of the asset
               that an item was encumbered and ordered in         is spread over a period equal to the life of the
               20X4 then delivered and invoiced in 20X5. For      asset. For budgetary purposes, the full cost of the
               budgetary purposes, the transaction would be       asset is charged to the budget during the period
               reflected in the 20X4 budget, the year the         in which the item was purchased. This method
               encumbrance is established. For financial          accelerates the recognition of an item's cost and
               reporting purposes, the transaction would be       forces the City to officially identify and
               reported in 20X5; the year the item was delivered   appropriate funding at the earliest possible
               and the related liability was incurred. One should   stage.
               note that encumbrance accounting affects the
               timing of expenditure recognition, not the

               Employing encumbrance accounting at the
               budgetary level tends to promote the earliest
               possible recognition of financial obligations and

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