P. 64
Police Officers (the City will absorb the cost of positions previously funded by Azle ISD), two (2)
Dispatchers, Police Records Assistant, Senior Accountant, and Library Assistant (upgrade from
part-time to full-time). Funding for employee step increases and a 5% market adjustment to the
City’s pay plan is included in this budget. Also included in personnel costs are additional funds
for anticipated increases in health and dental insurance.
Expenditures are projected to exceed revenues and transfers from other funds by $180,634 and
is attributable to one-time capital purchases. In addition, a one-time transfer to the Capital
Projects Fund in the amount of $2,000,000 is budgeted for the purpose of funding future
facilities. This results in a projected unreserved fund balance of $6,463,580 or 35.4% of
projected fund expenditures. This amount exceeds the City’s stated goal of an unreserved fund
balance equal to four (4) months of operating expenditures. By these actions the fund balance
of the General Fund will be reduced by approximately 25%, however, this is not expected to
negatively impact the operations of the General Fund.
City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget 53