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               The General Fund budget provides for estimated revenues of $16,772,759 during FY 2024-25.
               This  reflects  an  increase  of  $15,876  (0.09%)  over  the  adopted  FY  2023-24  budget.    The
               majority of General Fund revenue is comprised of the various taxes levied by the City, totaling
               78.7% of all fund revenue.  This year’s General Fund ad valorem tax levy is projected to be
               $8,933,009, which is an increase of $890,876 (11.08%) over last year’s budgeted levy and is
               derived from  a net  taxable  value  of  $1,677,767,961.    This increase  is  offset  by  a significant
               reduction in intergovernmental revenue that is discussed below.  Because the City of Azle lies in
               both  Tarrant  County  and  Parker  County,  the  net  taxable  value is  determined  by  the  Tarrant
               Appraisal District and the Parker County Appraisal District.  Each district provides a certified tax
               roll to the City on or around July 25  each year.   Net taxable values increased $135,489,686
               over the 2023 values and approximately one half of the increase (51.05%) is attributable to new
               construction.  The chart below is a graphical representation of the taxable value of all property in
               the City of Azle since 2019.

               In addition to the natural appreciation of property values over time, much of the increase during
               the timeframe shown in the chart above is attributable to the value of new construction added to
               the City’s tax base.  Residential and commercial construction projects have been active in the
               City  resulting  in  the  addition  of  $258,686,884  in  new value  since  tax  year  2019 with
               $139,296,709 (53.9%)  of that total  added  in 2023  and 2024.  Over  the  last few  years,
               businesses such as QuikTrip, Discount Tire, Starbucks, and Dutch Brothers Coffee have made
               an investment in the City and hundreds of new homes have been built.  However, that trend in
               new home building has slowed over the last year as rising interest rates and other economic
               factors have negatively impacted  the number of new home construction starts.  New
               construction building permit revenue is estimated at $300,000 in FY  2024-25, which is  a
               decrease  of  $200,000  from  the  adopted  FY  2023-24  budget.    The  next  chart  is  a  graphical
               representation of new construction value added to the City’s tax base since 2018.

            City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                   50
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66