P. 217

City of Azle.   The  district  use resources to  fund economic development activities such as
               infrastructure  projects,  recreational  or  community  facilities,  or  projects  that  create  or  expand
               business development within the City.  For budgetary and accounting purposes the district is
               treated as a Special Revenue (Purpose) Fund.

               NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE:  The tax rate that will raise the same amount of property tax
               revenue as the previous tax year.

               NON-DEPARTMENTAL:  Includes debt service, operating transfers between funds, and salary
               merit pool.

               OPERATING BUDGET:  A financial plan outlining estimated revenues and expenditures and
               other information for a specified period (usually a fiscal year).  The “proposed budget” is the
               financial  plan  presented  by  the  City  Manager  for  consideration  by  the  City  Council,  and  the
               “adopted budget” is the financial plan ultimately approved and authorized by the City Council.

               ORDINANCE:  An authoritative command or order.

               PCAD: Parker County Appraisal District.

               PER CAPITA DEBT:  Total tax supported debt outstanding divided by population.

               PERSONAL SERVICES:  Expenditures made for salaries and related benefit costs.

               POLICY:  A definite course of action adopted after a review of information and directed at the
               realization of goals.

               PROPOSED BUDGET:  The budget that has been prepared by the City Manager and submitted
               to the City Council for approval.

               RESERVE:    An  account used  to indicate  that  a  portion  of  fund  resources  is  restricted  for  a
               specific purpose, or is not available for appropriation and subsequent spending.

               REVENUE BONDS:  Long term debt (bonds) the repayment of which is based upon pledged
               revenues from a revenue generating facility.

               REVENUES:  All amounts of money earned or received by the City from external sources.

               SCADA:  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.  A computerized system that allows for the
               monitoring of a facility, such as a water treatment plant, from a remote sight.

               TAD:  Tarrant Appraisal District.

               TAX BASE:  The total property valuations on which each taxing entity levies its tax rates.

               TAX LEVY:   A percentage applied to all taxable property  to raise general revenues.   It is
               derived by dividing the total tax levy by the taxable net property valuation.

               TAX RATE:   A percentage applied  to all  taxable property  to raise general  revenues.    It is
               derived by dividing the total tax levy by the taxable net property valuation.

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