P. 216

EXPENSE:  A use of financial resources, denoted by its use in the enterprise funds, which is
               accounted  for on a basis consistent with the private business accounting model  (full accrual

               FISCAL YEAR:  The time period designated by the City signifying the beginning and ending
               period for recording financial transactions.  The City has specified October 1 to September 30
               as its fiscal year.

               FRANCHISE FEE:  A fee paid by public service businesses for use of City streets, alleys and
               property in providing their services to the citizens of a community.  Services requiring franchises
               include electricity, telephone, natural gas and cable television.

               FUND:  An accounting entity with a separate set of self-balancing accounts which comprise its
               assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenues and expenditures.

               FUND BALANCE:  The assets of a fund less liabilities, as determined at the end of each fiscal
               year.  Any reservations of fund balance are deducted to result in an “unreserved fund balance.”

               GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING  STANDARDS  BOARD (GASB):   The body that sets
               accounting standards specifically for governmental entities at the state and local levels.

               GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP):  Uniform minimum standards
               used by state and local governments for financial recording and reporting; established by the
               accounting profession through the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

               GENERAL FUND:  The largest fund within the City, the General Fund accounts for most of the
               financial resources of the government.  General Fund revenues include property taxes, licenses
               and  permits,  local  taxes,  service  charges,  and  other  types  of  revenue.    This  fund  usually
               includes most of the basic operating services,  such as  fire and police protection, park and
               recreation, public works, and general administration.

               GENERAL  OBLIGATION  BONDS:    Bonds  that  finance public projects such as streets,
               municipal facilities, and park improvements.  The repayment of  these  bonds is made  from
               property  taxes,  and  these  bonds  are  backed  by  the  full  faith  and  credit  of  the  issuing

               HMNW:  Harris Methodist Northwest Hospital.

               I  &  S  RATE:    Interest &  Sinking  Rate.   The  portion  of  the  City’s  tax rated  dedicated  to  the
               repayment of the City’s general obligation debt.

               M & O RATE:  Maintenance & Operations Rate.  The portion of the City’s tax rate dedicated to
               funding the daily operations of the City accounted for in the General Fund.

               MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING:  A form of accrual accounting in which (1)
               expenditures are recognized when the goods or services are received and (2) revenues, such
               as taxes, are  recognized when measurable and available to pay expenditures in the  current
               accounting period.

               MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT:  a district enacted by the approval of the voters in
               May 2013.  The district collects a half cent sales tax revenue on the Tarrant County side of the

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