P. 215

CONTRACTUAL SERVICES:   Services purchased by the City such as utility services,
               insurance, maintenance contracts, outside consulting.

               CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI):  An inflationary indicator that measures the change in the
               cost of a  fixed basket of products and services, including housing, electricity, food, and

               COURT SECURITY FUND:  A Special Revenue (Purpose) Fund created to raise resources to
               be used for the expenditures incurred for the Municipal Court security.  A specific portion from
               every fine paid is segregated for these purposes.

               COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND:  A Special Revenue (Purpose) Fund created to raise resources
               to be used for the expenditures incurred for the Municipal Court technology enhancement.  A
               specific portion from every fine paid is segregated for these purposes.

               CRIME CONTROL AND PREVETION DISTRICT (CCPD): a district enacted by the approval of
               the  voters  in  2000.    The  district  collects  a  quarter  cent  sales  tax  revenue.    The  district  use
               resources to create programs devoted to crime prevention within the City.  For budgetary and
               accounting purposes the district is treated as a Special Revenue (Purpose) Fund.

               DE MINIMIS TAX RATE: the rate equal to the sum of the no-new-revenue maintenance and
               operations tax rate, the tax rate that will raise $500,000, and the current interest and sinking
               rate.  Cities in Texas are allowed to utilize this tax rate if their population is less than 30,000.

               DEBT SERVICE: The City’s obligation to pay the principal and interest of all bonds and other
               debt instruments according to a pre-determined payment schedule.

               DEPARTMENT:  A major administrative division of the City which indicates overall responsibility
               for an operation or a group of related operations within a functional area.

               EFFECTIVE TAX RATE:  A rate which generates the same amount of revenues from property
               which is taxed in both years.

               ENCUMBRANCES:   Obligations in the form  of purchase orders and contracts which are
               chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved because the
               goods or services have not been received.  When paid, the encumbrance is liquidated.

               ENTERPRISE FUND:   A fund established to account  for operations  that are  financed and
               operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises—where the intent of the governing
               body is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis
               be  financed or recovered primarily through user  charges.   The  following are the  current
               Enterprise Funds for the City: Utility, Storm Water, and Golf Funds.

               EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency.

               EXEMPT/EXEMPTION:  Amounts under state law that which are deducted from the appraised
               value  of  property  for  tax  purposes.    Tax  rates  are  applied  to  the  non-exempt  portion  of  the
               appraised value to calculate the annual tax levy.

               EXPENDITURE:   Decreases  in  (use  of)  financial  resources  other  than  through  interfund
               transfers.  This term applies to all governmental type funds.

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