P. 16
Total expenses for the Utility Fund are projected at $9,334,335. The transfer to the General
Fund totals $1,005,246. Total operating expenses for FY 2024-25, excluding debt service, have
been proposed at $8,288,408. The fund has a projected ending working capital of $3,703,497,
which is 39.7% of expenses.
Golf Course Fund
Total revenue for FY 2024-25 is projected at $2,121,000. This amount is based on a projected
45,000 rounds of golf played. The above projected revenue does not include any funds derived
from gas leases at the golf course. No fee increases are proposed for FY 2024-25.
Golf Course Fund expenses are projected at $2,007,768, which is a decrease of $46,105
(2.24%) below the FY 2023-24 budget. This decrease is attributable to reductions in supplies
and capital spending including the completion of the Pro Shop and the Roadrunner Grille
renovations and the “winter kill” the course experienced. Last year’s extended drought
combined with the following winter’s cold temperatures caused some fairways and greens to be
unplayable. Staff established some temporary greens, closed sections of the fairways and
resodded the greens and fairways. The “revised” course was playable and playing fees were
temporarily adjusted during this time. Some purchases for the planned Driving Range
Renovation Project, which is spanning FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25, were delayed. In addition,
there have also been outstanding debts to the General Fund and Utility Fund of $452,616 and
$365,754, respectively, for over 25 years. This year will be the final year of a 4-year
reimbursement plan which calls for transfers to each fund in the amounts of $122,616 and
$95,754, respectively.
Stormwater Utility Fund
Stormwater revenue is projected at $610,000. Expenses are projected at $360,831 and debt
service of $49,432 with a transfer to the General Fund of $187,015.
Special Purpose Funds
Special Purpose Funds are used to account for resources associated with a specific purpose
and include the Street Maintenance Fund, Court Security Fund, Court Technology Fund,
Hotel/Motel Tax Fund, Cable PEG Fee Fund and the Tree Reforestation Fund. Other Special
Purpose Funds of the City include the Crime Control and Prevention District Fund and the
Municipal Development District Fund. However, these budgets for these funds are prepared
and adopted separately from this budget.
Revenue in the Street Maintenance Fund is projected at $860,000. The projected revenue,
added to the projected beginning balance of $332,493 provides $1,192,493 for projects in the
coming year. Street Maintenance Fund expenditures are projected at $1,130,000 for the
reclamation of South Stewart St. and various overlays and maintenance. The ending balance in
the Street Maintenance Fund is projected to be $62,493.
City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget 6