P. 18

Shelter  ($4,000,000),  Vehicle  Maintenance  Facility  ($4,000,000),  a  second  fire  station
               ($12,000,000) as well as a replacement ladder truck ($2,400,000) for the Fire Department.

               For the Utility Capital Projects Fund there is a planned $450,000 transfer from the Utility Fund to
               assist with a  variety  of capital projects including  the  FM 730 Elevated Storage Tank
               Rehabilitation Project ($395,000); the Walnut Creek Lift Station Upgrade ($900,000), the Walnut
               Creek  Force  Main  Upgrade  ($1,500,000),  and  the  Avondale  Lift  Station  Project  –  CDBG  (in
               process - $50,000 remaining).  The ending balance is expected to $3,483,754.


               While  the national  and regional  economies  continue  to recover,  the City  still faces  many
               challenges.  The cost of providing City services is rising very quickly.  These rising costs will
               also negatively effect the still active new home construction, as will elevated interest rates.  As
               always, Staff will keep a close eye on the economy and stay prepared to respond to changes as
               they come.  Staff has made every effort to create a budget that will provide the services our
               citizens have come to expect and Staff will continue to seek improvements where they can be
               found.   Furthermore, it is important to take a cautious approach in the coming year while at the
               same time intensifying our efforts to attract new businesses to Azle.

               Respectfully submitted,

               Thomas J. Muir
               City Manager

               City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                8
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