Page 337 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
P. 337

Appendices                                              Return to Table of Contents


            3.  Professional and consulting contracts anticipated to be greater than $50,000 shall be governed by the Purchasing Manual,
               through the Finance Department and must have City Council approval before executed.

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments: Select professional services and all consulting contracts are included in the policy
                                   and currently facilitated by procurement staff.

            4.  The City Manager or designee has the authority to approve a Request for Proposal process for estimated expenditures
               below $1,000,000 for the length of the initial term of the contract.

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments: The Office of Procurement still requires RFPs anticipated over $1,000,000 have a
                                   separate resolution and be presented before council for approval.


            1.  The governing authority for the City of Arlington’s Investment Policy shall be Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code,
               cited as the Public Funds Investment Act and Chapter 2257 of the Texas Government Code, cited as the Collateral for
               Public Funds.

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments: Investments comply with Ch. 2256 for FY23 and FY24 to date.

            2.  Investments shall be made in conformance with the City's Investment Policy, with the primary objectives of:
               •  Safety – preservation of capital in the investment portfolio;
               •  Liquidity – portfolio remain sufficiently liquid to meet operating requirements;
               •  Yield – goal of rate of return of exceeding TexPool fund

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments:  All  investments  were  secure,  incurring  no  realized  losses  while  meeting  all  City
                                   cashflow needs for FY23 and FY24 to date.

            3.  The Investment Policy shall be approved by City Council each fiscal year.

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments: Policy was approved Sept. 12, 2023, for FY 2024.


            1.  The City shall seek a fair share of available State and Federal financial support unless conditions attached to that assistance
               are contrary to the City’s best interests.  Prior to applying for and accepting intergovernmental aid, the City will examine the
               matching requirements so that the source and availability of these funds may be determined before grant application is
               made and that the application complies with City Administrative Policy #4.

                 In Compliance: Yes   Comments: Grant matching requirements are considered as part of the budget process.  No
                                   additional grant match requests were received for the FY 2024 budget.

            2.  All grants and other federal and state funds shall be managed to comply with the laws, regulations, and guidance of the
               grantor, and all gifts and donations shall be managed and expended according to the wishes and instructions of the donor.

                 In Compliance: Yes  Comments: FY 2023 Single audit was complete by required due date of June 30, 2024.

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