Page 49 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 49

Water and Wastewater
                                                     Multi-Year Financial Plan

                                                  Budget    Estimate     Budget      Projected  Projected  Projected
                                                 2022-2023  2022-2023    2023-2024  2024-2025   2025-2026  2026-2027
             BEGINNING BALANCE                           2,734,712           3,068,334  *               2,804,570             2,457,546             1,917,183            1,668,195
             Water Service                               4,900,000           5,000,000                4,950,000             5,150,000             5,407,500            5,623,800
             Wastewater Service                          4,140,000           4,050,000                4,350,000             4,466,310             4,734,289            5,018,346
             Proposed Increase in Revenues                                    3.00%        6%         5%         6%
             Service Charges                                  65,000                65,000                     65,000                  66,300                  67,626                 67,626
             EPA Fees                                       160,000              161,000                   161,000                164,220                167,504               167,504
             Penalties                                      175,000              176,000                   175,000                175,000                178,500               182,070
             Miscellaneous                                    55,000                50,000                     50,000                  51,500                  53,045                 54,636
             Interest Income/Transfers In JUF                 20,000              117,000                   120,000                121,200                122,412               123,636
             Total Revenues                              9,515,000           9,619,000                9,871,000           10,194,530           10,730,876          11,237,619
             Utility Billing                               (585,760)            (577,360)                  (615,410)              (627,718)              (640,273)             (653,078)
             Non-Departmental - Operating                  (745,280)            (760,580)                  (794,980)              (810,880)              (827,097)             (843,639)
             Information Technology                        (112,990)            (111,790)                  (126,990)              (129,530)              (132,120)             (134,763)
             Administration                                (170,100)            (170,000)                  (185,200)              (188,904)              (192,682)             (196,536)
                                                                        -                          -
             Water Distribution                         (2,818,615)         (2,747,220)               (2,865,830)           (3,062,875)           (3,148,003)          (3,235,549)
             Sewer Collection                           (2,745,114)         (3,099,814)               (3,284,614)           (3,149,553)           (3,212,544)          (3,276,795)

             Transfers - Capital                           (140,000)            (140,000)                               -              (140,000)              (142,800)             (142,800)
             Transfers - JUF                                 (60,000)              (60,000)                    (60,000)                (60,000)                (60,000)               (60,000)
             G&A/Franchise Fee                             (440,000)            (440,000)                  (440,000)              (503,667)              (530,423)             (555,699)
             W&WW Debt                                  (1,726,000)         (1,726,000)               (1,800,000)           (1,801,572)           (2,047,572)          (2,022,572)
             Proposed Positions - PIP                                   -                          -                  (45,000)                (46,350)               (47,741)
             Operating Expenses                         (9,543,859)         (9,832,764)             (10,173,024)         (10,519,698)         (10,979,864)        (11,169,171)
             Capital Expenses (carryover)                               -                          -                               -                           -                              -                           -
             Total Expenses                             (9,543,859)         (9,832,764)             (10,173,024)         (10,519,698)         (10,979,864)        (11,169,171)
             Recommended  Reserves per Policy           (2,385,965)         (2,458,191) *              (2,543,256)           (2,629,925)           (2,744,966)          (2,792,293)
             Available for Supplemental Current Year                (28,859)            (213,764)                  (302,024)              (325,168)              (248,988)                68,447
             Proposed Supplemental                                      -                          -                               -                           -                              -                           -
             Remaining Supplemental                          (28,859)            (213,764)                  (302,024)              (325,168)              (248,988)                68,447
             Additional Available for Capital w/ Fund bal requirements             348,747              610,143                   261,314                (172,379)              (827,783)          (1,124,098)
             Total Available for Capital*                   319,888              396,379                    (40,710)              (497,547)           (1,076,771)          (1,055,651)
             Proposed Equip Repl/Capital (1)                     (50,000)              (50,000)                    (45,000)                           -                            -                (50,000)
             Remaining Funds Available                      269,888              346,379                    (85,710)              (497,547)           (1,076,771)          (1,105,651)
             ENDING FUND BALANCE                         2,655,853           2,804,570  *               2,457,546             1,917,183             1,668,195            1,686,642
             % of operating                            28%       29%           24%        18%        15%        15%
             Staffing Variable
             Full-time Positions  (2)                23.75      23.75         25.75      26.75      26.75      26.75
             Part-time positions                      0.00      0.00           0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
               Proposed Capital will only be funded if excess reserves are available.

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