Page 37 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 37
Strategic Initiatives (Cont.)
Strategic Planning Goal:
Expand public safety through non-enforcement efforts
Strategic Initiatives:
1. Evaluate lighting options that will create improvements in safety
for Watauga residents and visitors within ten years.
2. Continue to review and evaluate the need for the Police
Department to respond to calls for enforcement versus service
3. Evaluate the need for appropriate response staff or enhanced
officer training to sufficiently respond to the growing need for
service type calls (i.e.. mental health) annually.
Strategic Planning Goal:
Strengthen future planning
Strategic Initiatives:
1. Complete an update to the Comprehensive Plan every ten years.
2. Conduct an annual review of City ordinances and present an annual
schedule for proposed updates with a complete code review being
completed prior to 2026.
3. Complete ordinance rewrites prior to October 2026.
4. Obtain public input on the police and library facility needs, to
include project budget requirements, prior to May 2024.
5. Prepare and submit for Council consideration a permit process and
any required ordinance revisions for Short Term Rental properties.
6. Prepare for further review a phase-in approach for a Street
Maintenance Program and associated fee prior to October 2023.
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