Page 35 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 35

Executive Summary

              “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that

              you can do something about it now.”
                                                                            —Alan Lakein

             Strategic planning is a  systematic and  continuous process where people

              make decisions about intended future outcomes, how those outcomes are
              to  be  accomplished  and  how  success  is  measured  and  evaluated.    This

              executive  summary  is  intended  to  provide  an  overview  of  the  City  of
              Watauga’s Strategic Planning process.

             Prior to 2022, the governing body met to review the City’s Strategic Plan

              during  the  first  quarter  of  the  new  calendar  year.    To  provide  greater
              guidance and encompass new ideas discussed at the annual retreat, the
              Council now completes the strategic planning process between the spring

              and fall of each fiscal year, which sets the priorities for future budgets.  The
              Council also changed the plan from a five-year plan to ten-year plan.  The

              strategic planning process includes goals and action items for upcoming
              fiscal years.  During the first quarter of the current fiscal year, the governing

              body finalizes the City’s Strategic Plan by approval through a resolution.


             The  City  of  Watauga  remains  focused  on  building  an  inclusive
              community that delivers an exceptional quality of life with access to

              amenities and programs through good governance, fiscal responsibility,

              and transparency.


             Develop programs to attract and support businesses to our community

              and provide a safe and secure community for all.


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