Page 240 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
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                                   WATER SEWER UTILITY BUDGET SUMMARY - FUND 40

                                                  HISTORY                        CURRENT YEAR
                                           2020-2021     2021-2022      2022-2023        2023-2024        2023-2024
                                             Actual        Actual         Budget         Projected         Budget

        Retained Earnings, October 1     $          1,571,504  $      2,689,094  $             2,734,712  $             3,068,334  $             2,804,570
        Water Sales                           4,679,157    5,208,540        4,900,000        5,000,000       4,950,000
        Sewer Sales                           3,828,805    4,098,737        4,140,000        4,050,000       4,350,000
        Other Revenue                           432,958      452,361          451,000         452,000          451,000
        Interest Income                           4,587       24,451           10,000         107,000          110,000
        Operating Revenues               $          8,945,506  $      9,784,090  $             9,501,000  $             9,609,000  $             9,861,000

        Operating Transfers-In:                                                                     0
        Transfers In JUF - Other                 10,701         611            10,000          10,000           10,000

        Total Available Resources        $        10,527,711  $    12,473,794  $           12,245,712  $           12,687,334  $           12,675,570
        Administration                          152,952      144,958          170,100         170,000          185,200
        Non-Departmental                        644,034      762,761          745,280         760,580          794,980
        Billing & Collections                   491,846      534,874          585,760         577,360          615,410
        Information Technology                   92,068       92,524          112,990         111,790          126,990
        Water Distribution                    2,217,721    2,639,706        2,818,615        2,747,220       2,865,830
        Wastewater Collection                 2,088,525    2,786,489        2,745,114        3,099,814       3,284,614
        Total Operating Expenditures          5,687,144    6,961,312        7,177,859        7,466,764       7,873,024

        Operating Transfers-Out
        To General Fund                         430,000      430,000          440,000         440,000          440,000
        To Joint Use Facility Fund               34,149       34,149           60,000          60,000           60,000
        To CO Debt Service                    1,598,324    1,760,000        1,726,000        1,726,000       1,800,000
        To Revenue Bond Debt Service                 0            0                0                0               0
        To Water/Wastewater Construction             0       140,000          140,000         140,000               0
        Total Operating Transfers-Out         2,062,473    2,364,149        2,366,000        2,366,000       2,300,000

        Operating Surplus/(Deficit)      $          1,206,590  $         459,239  (32,859)    (213,764)       (302,024)

        Transfers to Sustainability Funds
             To Equipment Repl. - Current Year   89,000       79,999           50,000          50,000           45,000
        Total Transfers to Sustainability Funds  89,000       79,999           50,000          50,000           45,000
        Net Income Before Transfers           3,269,063    2,823,388                 2,333,141                 2,152,236                 1,997,976

        TOTAL OPERATING & TRANSFERS      $          7,838,617  $      9,405,460  $             9,593,859  $             9,882,764  $           10,218,024

        Retained Earnings, September 30  $          2,689,094  $      3,068,334  $2,651,853  $2,804,570     $2,457,546
        CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                 $1,117,590     $379,240         ($82,859)       ($263,764)      ($347,024)
        % OF EXPENDITURES                          33%          32%              27%              28%             24%

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