Page 235 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 235

Public Works –

        Storm Drain


        Mission Statement

        The mission of the Storm Drain division is to protect public health and safety by performing ongoing maintenance
        and repair of the storm water system, mosquito testing in partnership with Tarrant County Health and mosquito
        control utilizing multiple proven strategies.
        Department Overview

            •  Perform maintenance on concrete and earthen channels, as well as the maintenance of ditches in the
               City owned right of ways to keep City in compliance with MS4 Stormwater Management.
            •  Clean and maintain curb and gutters, storm drain inlets, junction boxes and underground storm system
            •  Operate Street Sweeper to sweep each street a minimum of 2 times annually.
            •  Place and retrieve mosquito traps for West Nile and Zika virus testing in coordination with Tarrant County
               Health Department.
        Highlights/Achievements for FY2023

            •  Swept all city streets 2 times annually in compliance with Stormwater Management Program
            •  Rebuilt failed sections of Gayle Channel (B2) walls to improve erosion issues affecting residents’ property.
            •  Maintained city channels.
            •  Cleared all city flumes of overgrowth and vegetation, improving storm runoff, continuing maintenance.
            •  Placed and retrieved mosquito traps for West Nile and Zika virus testing in coordination with Tarrant
               County Health Department.
            •  Assisted in emergency response for 2023 winter storm – Street sanding and emergency response.
            •  Rebuilding phase of staff recruitment.
        Goals/Objectives for FY2024

            •  Staff Recruitment for vacant positions and retention.
            •  Convert Part Time positions to Full time employee – PIP submitted.
            •  Add maintenance Worker I position to Division – PIP submitted.
            •  Sweep all City streets on an alternating monthly schedule.
            •  Maintain channels, repair erosion areas and coordinate repairs for damaged walls.
            •  Place and retrieve mosquito traps for West Nile and Zika virus testing in coordination with Tarrant County
               Health Department.
            •  Apply for grant opportunities for sidewalks such as Safe Routes to School.
            •  Assist Street Division with operational needs including emergency storm response.

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