Page 167 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 167
Performance Measures
Workload Indicators FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024
Actual Adopted Projected Target
Number of manual journal entries processed 1,267 1,450 1,225 1,250
Number of competitive solicitations & quotes processed 8 12 10 10
Number of purchase orders issued 1,260 1,400 1,300 1,200
Number of receivable invoices issued 41 45 40 50
Number of payables processed 6,926 8,000 6,500 7,000
Number of employee payrolls processed 5,688 4,400 6,000 6,000
Number of audit adjustments 7 2 5 5
FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Measurement Strategic Goal Measure
Type Goal Actual Goal Actual Goal
Number of days to # 1. Maintain the
close bank accounts. financial strength of Efficiency 7 8 6 6 6
the City.
Received unmodified # 1. Maintain the
audit opinion. financial strength of Efficiency Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
the City.
Received GFOA # 1. Maintain the
Certificate of financial strength of Efficiency Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Achievement Award. the City.
Received GFOA # 1. Maintain the
Distinguished Budget financial strength of Effectiveness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Presentation Award. the City.
Maintain a Bond Rating # 1. Maintain the
of AA or greater. financial strength of Efficiency AA AA AA AA AA
the City.
# 4. Strengthen
future planning.
Maintain 1% or less of # 1. Maintain the
disbursements voided financial strength of Efficiency 1% <1% 1% <1% 1%
due to error. the City.