Page 151 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 151

FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement            Strategic Goal           Measure
                                                         Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         % of residential
         plans reviewed         # 4. Strengthen future
         within 7 working       planning.                Efficiency      100%      100%  100%      100%     100%
         % of commercial         # 3. Develop a
         plans reviewed         sustainable economic     Efficiency      100%     90%      100%    100%     100%
         within 30 working      development effort.
         days.                  # 4. Strengthen future
         % of rezoning cases  # 3. Develop a
         reviewed by staff by  sustainable economic      Efficiency      100%     100%     100%    100%     100%
         designated             development effort.
         deadline.              # 4. Strengthen future
         Maintain 95% or        # 3. Develop a
         higher rating for      sustainable economic     Effectiveness  100%       98%     100%      95%    100%
         building inspections   development effort.
         completed within 3     # 4. Strengthen future
         days of request.       planning.
         % of permits with      # 3. Develop a
         first review           sustainable economic     Efficiency      100%     100%     100%    98%      100%
         completed within 7     development effort.
         days.                  # 4. Strengthen future
         % of capital projects  # 3. Develop a
         started on time.       sustainable economic     Efficiency      100%     95%      100%    100%     100%
                                development effort.
                                # 4. Strengthen future
         % of engineering       # 3. Develop a
         inspections            sustainable economic     Efficiency      100%     95%      100%    97%      100%
         completed within 48  development effort.
         hours of notification.  # 4. Strengthen future
         % of permits           # 3. Develop a
         completed              sustainable economic     Efficiency      100%     100%     100%    97%      100%
         according to           development effort.
         timeframe.             # 4. Strengthen future

                 Public Works – Development Services at a Glance

                                    Location:                         FY2024                            Full-time
                                   Water Tower                        Budget:                         Employees:
                                   7800 Virgil
                                  Anthony Blvd.                       $291,860                            3.75

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