Page 7 - PantegoFY24AdoptedBudget
P. 7

Fines and Forfeitures. Fines and forfeitures include revenue from municipal court fines, warrant charges
            and special expense fees. Fines and their related fees are assessed by the violation of local ordinances
            and state laws. For every dollar assessed, a percentage is recognized as fines or fees for the municipality
            and fees assessed by the State. The Town remits to the State of Texas the fees collected that the State
            assesses for itself.

            This category represents the third largest source of revenue for the General Fund, $548,950 or 10.5% of
            total General Fund revenue projected for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Within this category, Warrant revenue,
            Court Fines and Penalties and Special Expense fees, constitute the three largest sources of revenue
            Warrant revenue projected at $34,000 or 6.2%; Court Fines and Penalties projected at
            $247,500 or 45.1%; and Special Expense fees at $200,000 or 36.4% of the total projected revenue from
            Fines and Forfeitures.

            Other Revenue.  Mixed Beverage Tax ($15,000), Franchise Fees ($314,000) and Ambulance Revenues
            ($102,500) are a mixed bag, with Ambulance Revenue projected to be flat, mixed beverage to have a
            slight increase, while Franchise Fees should increase more due to higher energy costs and statutory
            OTHER REVENUE SOURCES – Transfers In. Other revenue sources include total inter-fund transfers
            to the General Fund budgeted at $1,062,761 for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. The inter-fund transfers include
            $491,535 from the Enterprise Fund  (Water and Sewer Fund) which includes our standard transfer to
            cover a portion of salaries for Public Works and Administrative employees as well as a new transfer for
            the Water and Sewer Fund’s portion of the 2023 Certificates of Obligation Debt Coverage. In addition, the
            remaining transfers are $375,627 from the Pantego Economic Development Corporation and $164,434
            from the Street Improvement Fund. The Court Security Fund has not been making a transfer the past few
            years as funds were depleted in FY2019 but will begin again with a transfer of $31,165. These  transfers
            are  made  to  the  General  Fund  to  recover  labor  cost  and  other associated administrative expenses
            related to the activities of these funds.

            EXPENDITURES – Proposed total operating expenditures for the General Fund are $6,278,500 5.2% or
            $309,845 more than current adopted Budget expenditures of $5,968,655, largely in part to the added cost
            related to increases in Health, Worker’s Compensation, and liability insurance rates.

            General Fund expenditures are divided into functions/departments and categories.

            The six (6) major functions/departments are:

                   -   General and Administrative (City Manager, City Secretary, Finance, and Human Resources)
                   -   Public Works (Utility Billing, Streets/Drainage, Parks and Recreation, Animal Services,
                         Planning, Zoning, Permits, Licenses, Code Enforcement)
                   -   Police Department (Public Safety)
                   -   Fire Department (Public Safety)
                   -   Municipal Court
                   -   Non-Departmental (Community Relations Board and Special Events)

            The six (6) categories include:

                   -   Personnel Services
                   -   Contractual Agreements
                   -   Supplies and Maintenance

        ADOPTED BUDGET FY2023-24                 TOWNOFPANTEGO.COM/BUDGET                                      PAGE 5
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