Page 47 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024 Budget Overview City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024 Budget Overview
Actual EOY Estimated Budget Change from FY2023 Percent Actual EOY Estimated Budget Change from FY2023 Percent
Expenditure FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 to FY2024 Expenditure FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 to FY2024
General Fund $32,819,639 37,758,751 44,158,982 $6,400,231 17% General Government $25,022,521 $24,103,219 $41,022,905 $16,919,686 70%
Debt Service Fund $13,302,737 $7,480,549 7,488,984 $8,436 0% Police $15,185,316 $25,639,838 $26,354,405 $714,568 3%
Special Revenue Fund $2,632,290 $2,683,906 4,863,587 $2,179,681 81% Fire $9,980,715 $8,688,765 $9,467,278 $778,514 9%
Capital Project Fund $11,367,943 $28,315,000 53,887,128 $25,572,128 90% Parks $3,126,216 $2,803,421 $6,871,624 $4,068,203 145%
Water and Sewer Fund $25,489,288 $30,541,512 32,880,803 $2,339,291 8% Library $1,003,348 $1,272,934 $1,291,593 $18,659 1%
Drainage Fund $1,948,550 $2,571,049 2,424,688 ($146,361) -6% Public Works $33,242,331 $46,842,590 $60,696,366 $13,853,776 30%
Total $87,560,447 $109,350,766 $145,704,172 $36,353,405 33% Total $87,560,447 $109,350,766 $145,704,172 $36,353,405 33%
General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It provides a broad spectrum of programs
and services such as police, fire, parks and recreation, public works and administrative services.
Debt Service Fund is used for the accumulation of resources specifically for the payment of both General Government – Expenditures increased due to building a new City Hall, increase salaries,
principal and interest on long-term governmental debt. Financing is provided primarily by property and several other new decision packages.
tax and transfers from other resources. Police – The increase is due to continued construction of the new Law Enforcement Center, salary
increases, and step increases, and drones.
Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenue sources that are legally restricted to be
spent for specified purposes, meaning they must be spent for specific purposes outlined by law Fire – The increase is due to the a new fire engine, salary increases, and employee step increases.
or regulation. Revenues include sales tax, special fees, and donations. Parks – The increase is due to the completion of North Park, salary increase to employees, and
Capital Project Funds are used to account for all capital projects and major capital purchases. replacement of equipment. This year’s budget will also replace a two-decade old Christmas tree
The significant changes from year to year are due to various capital construction projects and and a sidewalk in Broadway Park.
purchase of capital assets budgeted for each individual year. Library – Operational expenditures are due increased salaries and addinf furniture and shelving
in the reading area.
Water and Sewer Fund provides water and sewer services to the City. Decision packages in this Public Works – This includes streets, facilities, water and sewer, and storm water drainage. The
fund were to fund much needed equipment purchases. Current Supply chain issues have been increase is due to equipment purchases for streets and drainage, increased salaries, and planned
challenging in ordering equipment and taking possession of equipment within the same budget projects.
year. There will be a need to carry over expenses for any large equipment items requiring longer
lead times based on availability.
Drainage Fund is for recording revenues and expenses related to watershed and storm drainage
improvements. Drainage capital projects are important for improving drainage areas where water
can accumulate and cause flooding.
FY2024 All Funds Total Expenditure 145,704,172 (By Fund Type) FY2024 All Funds Total Expenditure 145,704,172 (By Functions)
53,887,128 $60,696,366
32,880,803 $41,022,905
7,488,984 $9,467,278
4,863,587 2,424,688 $6,871,624
General Fund Debt Service Fund Special Revenue Fund Capital Project Fund Water and Sewer Fund Drainage Fund General Government Police Fire Parks Library Public Works