Page 38 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                     Budget Overview                                              City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                    Budget Overview

           FISCAL YEAR 2024 WITH COMPARISONS TO FISCAL YEARS 2023 AND 2022                                                           FISCAL YEAR 2024 WITH COMPARISONS TO FISCAL YEARS 20223AND 2022
                                     ALL FUNDS BY FUND TYPE (PART 1)                                                                                            ALL FUNDS BY FUND TYPE (PART 2)

                                                                          GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS                                                        PROPRIETARY FUNDS                                   TOTAL ALL FUNDS

                                                                                     Special   Governmental
                                                                          Debt Service                                                                                  Proprietary
                                                               General Fund          Revenue   Capital Projects                          Water & Sewer   Drainage Utility              FY2024 Adopted              Y2023 Estimated              FY2022 Actual
                                                                            Fund                                                                                      Capital Projects
                                                                                      Funds     Funds                                        Fund           Fund                           Total              Total              Total
                     Beginning Balance                          $27,089,103  $2,494,713  $6,856,688  $64,016,284
                                                                                                                                           $11,747,164       $697,110    $39,506,662       $152,407,723       $164,862,135      $156,998,888
                     BUDGETED REVENUES
                           Property Taxes                              13,290,015         7,151,428                         -                               -
                                                                                                                                                                      -                                -                                -                      20,441,443                      19,089,306                      18,569,485
                           Sales & Other Taxes                         13,660,000                         -         2,679,781              3,500,000
                                                                                                                                                                      -                                -                                -                      19,839,781                      19,336,619                      19,082,541
                           Franchise Fees                                3,380,000                         -              50,000                               -
                           Licenses/Permits/Fees                         1,058,700                         -            250,000                               -                                -                                -                                -                        3,430,000                        3,627,546                        3,527,393
                                                                                                                                                                      -                                -                  425,000                        1,733,700                        1,333,700                        1,715,459
                           Intergovernmental Revenues                       132,500                         -            704,355                               -
                                                                                                                                                                      -                                -                                -                           836,855                           505,500                           466,227
                           Charges For Service                           1,851,573                         -              59,500                               -
                           Fines & Fees                                     915,024                         -              72,000                               -             25,200,000               1,852,500                                -                      28,963,573                      27,165,700                      27,739,821
                                                                                                                                                        565,000                                -                                -                        1,552,024                        1,935,220                        2,083,952
                           Bond Proceeds                                                  -                         -                         -                               -                                -                                -                                -                                         -                           300,000                        6,412,385
                           Miscellaneous Revenues                           799,690            213,588              75,046                  465,989
                                                                                                                                                        288,200                     10,000                  236,673                        2,089,186                        5,369,959                        1,102,466
                           Interfund Transfers                           3,107,976                         -            667,609                  850,000
                               TOTAL REVENUES                          38,195,478         7,365,016         4,558,291              4,815,989                                -                                -               6,000,000                      10,625,585                      15,955,000                      12,034,896
                                                                                                                                                   26,053,200               1,862,500               6,661,673                      89,512,146                      94,618,550                      92,734,624

                     BUDGETED EXPENDITURES
                           Personnel                                   30,763,897                         -            770,766                               -  $4,644,864  $610,697                                -                      36,790,224                      33,046,412  $28,052,996
                           Operations                                  10,328,306                         -         2,370,991                  480,000             19,375,262               1,178,367                  260,000                      33,992,926                      28,191,902  $23,844,211
                           Capital Outlay                                1,549,170                         -              82,830            38,322,128                  982,000                  127,000             13,925,000                      54,988,128                      22,825,200  $9,365,603
                           Debt Service                                                   -         7,488,984                         -                               -               1,549,701                  268,624                                -                        9,307,309                        9,332,252  $14,262,741
                           Interfund Transfers                           1,517,609                         -         1,639,000                  900,000               6,328,976                  240,000                                -                      10,625,585                      15,955,000  $12,034,896
                               TOTAL EXPENDITURES                      44,158,982         7,488,984         4,863,587            39,702,128             32,880,803               2,424,688             14,185,000                    145,704,172                    109,350,766                      87,560,447
                           Reserved Fund Balance/Adjustments            (9,399,027)                        -                         -                               -               2,500,000                  450,000                                -                       (6,449,027)                       2,691,542                        2,689,069
                     Ending Balance                             $11,726,571  $2,370,744  $6,551,392  $29,130,145                            $7,419,561       $584,923    $31,983,335        $89,766,671       $152,821,461      $164,862,135
                     GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS                                                                     →                           PROPRIETARY FUNDS
                     General Fund is the operating fund of the City. This fund is used to account for all financial resources           Water and Sewer Fund is used to account for the operations of the water and sewer system.
                     not accounted for in other funds.                                                                                  Drainage Utility Fund is used to track revenues and expenses related to watershed and storm
                     Debt Service Fund is used to service the City's financing by accumulating of financial resources
                     for the payment of principal, interest, and related costs on general long-term debts.                              drainage improvements.
                     Special Revenue Funds are used to account for revenue sources that are legally restricted to                       Proprietary Capital Project Funds are used to account for the financing and construction of
                     spend for specific purposes.                                                                                       major capital facilities or acquisition of major equipment for water and sewer system and
                     Governmental Capital Project Funds are used to account for the financing and construction of                       drainage related projects that are not funded by governmental funds.
                     major capital facilities or acquisition of major equipment and is financed is primarily through the
                     issuance of general obligation debts and transfers from other funds.
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