Page 36 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
P. 36

City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                     Budget Overview                                              City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                    Budget Overview

                             CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS (PART 1)                                                                                 CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS (PART 2)
                                                  Revenues (Sources)                                                                                                        Expenditures (Uses)

                                                      Estimated*       Interest &     Inter-Fund        Total                        Fund     Operating         Capital        Inter-Fund        Total         Reserved         Estimated
           Fund                                      Fund Balance      Operating     Transfers In     Revenues                       No.     Expenditures       Outlay       Transfers Out    Expenditures   Fund Balance/    Fund Balance
           No.   Fund Title                            10/1/2023       Revenues                       [Sources]                                                                                  [Uses]       Adjustments       9/30/2024

           01    General Fund                                     27,089,103           35,087,502             3,107,976              38,195,478  01              41,092,203               1,549,170               1,517,609             44,158,982              (9,399,027)              11,726,571
           05    Debt Service Fund                                   2,494,713             7,365,016                      -                 7,365,016  05                7,488,984                         -                          -                7,488,984                 2,370,744
           12    Crime Control & Prevention District Fund                  3,037,264             3,133,277                      -                 3,133,277  12                2,222,089                         -                          -                2,222,089                 3,948,453
           13    Oil and Gas Fund                                    1,957,364               261,533                      -                    261,533  13                          -                          -                1,600,000               1,600,000                    618,897
           14    Hotel/Motel Tax Fund                                 242,465                 61,788                      -                     61,788  14                     20,700                         -                          -                    20,700                     283,553
           15    Court Security Fund                                  115,277                 28,852                      -                     28,852  15                          -                          -                    15,000                   15,000                    129,129
           16    Court Technology Fund                                   (9,861)                 50,500                      -                     50,500  16                     40,500                         -                          -                    40,500                          139
           17    Juvenile Case Manager Fund                             50,402                 20,022                      -                     20,022  17                      2,600                         -                    24,000                   26,600                     43,824
           18    Red Light Camera Fund                                  79,830                      -                          -     18                       19,000                    60,830                    79,830                             -
           19    Grant Fund                                           191,836               197,500                      -                   197,500  19                   197,500                         -                          -                   197,500                    191,836

           20    PEG Fund                                             536,423                 53,163                     53,163      20                        5,000                         -                          -                      5,000                    584,586
           21    Fire Donation Fund                                     10,786                   6,029                      -                       6,029  21                      8,198                         -                          -                      8,198                       8,617
           22    Library Donation Fund                                148,406                 28,876                      -                     28,876  22                     50,000                         -                          -                    50,000                    127,282
           23    Police Forfeiture Fund                                 59,092                 16,342                      -                     16,342  23                     16,000                         -                          -                    16,000                     59,434
           24    Park Donation Fund                                     49,115                 32,300                      -                     32,300  24                     34,500                         -                          -                    34,500                     46,915
           25    Park Dedication Fund                                 106,534                   1,600                      -                       1,600  25                   105,000                         -                          -                   105,000                       3,134
           26    Safe Pathways Fund                                     66,891                   2,000                      -                       2,000  26                          -                          -                          -                          -                     68,891
           27    Animal Shelter Fund                                    41,727                   7,200                      -                       7,200  27                      5,000                         -                          -                      5,000                     43,927
           28    Police Donation Fund                                   31,267                 15,600                      -                     15,600  28                     10,000                         -                          -                    10,000                     36,867
           29    Police CART Fund                                         5,836                      100                      -                          100  29                      1,000                         -                          -                      1,000                       4,936
           31    Street Reconstruction Fund                       17,171,521             3,618,486                      -                 3,618,486  31                   480,000               5,320,000                  900,000               6,700,000               14,090,007

           32    Capital Improvement Fund                         45,536,978               338,349                      -                   338,349  32                32,102,128                         -              32,102,128               13,773,199
           35    Capital Replacement Fund                          1,282,754               859,054                      -                   859,054  35                          -                   900,000                         -                   900,000                 1,241,808

           39    Street Assessments Fund                                25,031                      100                      -                          100  39                          -                          -                          -                          -                     25,131
           41    Water & Sewer Fund                               11,747,164           26,053,200                      -               26,053,200  41              25,569,827                  982,000               6,328,976             32,880,803               2,500,000                7,419,561
           42    Water & Sewer Utility Projects Fund                 28,821,565               196,188             5,800,000                5,996,188  42                          -              10,195,000                         -              10,195,000               24,622,753
           44    Water and Sewer Impact Fees Fund                    3,310,210               444,954                      -                   444,954  44                   160,000                         -                          -                   160,000                 3,595,164

           45    Drainage Utility Fund                                697,110             1,862,500                      -                 1,862,500  45                2,184,688                         -                   240,000               2,424,688                  450,000                   584,923
           46    Drainage Capital Projects Fund                      7,374,887                 20,531               200,000                   220,531  46                   100,000               3,730,000                         -                3,830,000                 3,765,418
           61    Tirz 1 Fund                                          136,034                      -                402,670                   402,670  61                   414,670                          414,670                          124,034
           62    Tirz 2 Fund                                                 -                       -                238,939                   238,939  62                     12,000                        12,000                          226,939
                       Total                                    152,407,723           79,762,561             9,749,585              89,512,146              80,239,459             54,839,128             10,625,585           145,704,172              (6,449,027) $           89,766,671

            This schedule provides an overall view of the fiscal status for all of the funds utilized by City of Haltom City. One
            can see at a glance the fund balance estimated for both the beginning and end of the fiscal year in addition to                  Expenditures
            the total amounts of fund sources and uses. More detailed information for each fund is provided in a separate
            section of this document. See the table of contents for the corresponding page.
            Revenues are from a variety of sources such as taxes, fees, fines, utility sales and internal transfers. Operating
            expenditures are generally represented as payments for consumable supplies, services, salaries, and other                   Beginning Balance
            items related to the ongoing operations of each fund. Capital Outlay is composed of equipment purchases,
            facility and infrastructure construction, or major renovations. Infrastructure generally refers to streets, water
            utilities, sewer utilities, and drainage utilities. Non-cash items, such as depreciation, are included in the                  Ending Balance
            expenses, listed in adjustment column, and added back in the fund balance.

                                                                                                                                                         $0               $50               $100              $150              $200
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41