Page 130 - CityofHaltomFY24Budget
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City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                   Capital Project Funds                                          City Of Haltom City Annual Budget, Fy2024                  Capital Project Funds

          CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DESCRIPTION                                                                                         Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Plan

          The City of Haltom City develops a multi-year financial plan for all capital projects in conjunction
          with the development of a multi-year operational plan.  These capital improvement plans (CIP) are                          The total of the capital projects planned in the Capital Projects Funds for FY2024 is $53,517,128.
          developed during the budget process and are adopted by the City Council along with the proposed                            A matrix of the FY2024 expenditures is listed below:
          operating budget.

          Criterion for Selection and Budgetary Impact: Improvements to be included  in the CIP are                                                                              Police Law
                                                                                                                                                               Vehicles /
          selected and prioritized according to the critical nature of the project and the timeliness of available                   Fund         Fund        Equipment  Streets  Enforcemen  City Hall  Parks   Water &   Drainage   Total
          financing for the project.  The following operation impacts are considered:                                                                                             t Center
                                                                                                                                      31  Street Reconstruction               5,320,000                                             $5,320,000
              •   Demolition and salvage costs                                                                                        32  Capital Improvements            850,000     10,000,000       18,000,000           4,102,128      32,102,128
                                                                                                                                          Equipment Replacement

              •   Changes in city-wide utility costs, maintenance costs and personnel costs                                           42  Water & Sewer Projects                                                       10,355,000       10,355,000
                                                                                                                                          Water & Sewer Impact Fees

                                                                                                                                      46  Drainage Capital Projects                                                             3,730,000       3,730,000
              •   Impact of regulatory compliance upon operations                                                                                         Total  $850,000  $5,320,000  $10,000,000  $18,000,000  $4,102,128  $10,515,000  $3,730,000  $52,517,128
              •   Impact of avoided costs
              •   Impact of deferred maintenance                                                                                     Capital Expenditures and Impact on Operating Costs
          All improvements completed in the CIP budget have a useful life that exceeds the life of the                               The City’s capital improvement projects primarily involve recurring expenditures, focusing on the reconstruction
          financing.  Capital equipment considered for inclusion in the CIP must have an initial acquisition                         and replacement of aging infrastructure in its matured urban environment, including streets, water, sewer
          cost of at least $5,000 and a useful life of at least 2 years.                                                             systems, and facilities.
          Sources of funding for the capital projects include:

              •   Reserve funds or carryover balances from prior years                                                               Notably, the completion of Fire Station #3 in 2022 and the relocation of the Senior Center to the newly renovated

              •   Current resources from operations                                                                                  North East Center incurred little to no impact on operating costs due to the absence of new staffing requirements.
                                                                                                                                     However, the upcoming Law Enforcement Center and City Hall projects, initiated in 2022 and expected to be
              •   3/8 cents of sales tax for streets                                                                                 completed in the next two years, pose considerations for increased operational costs. Future budgeting will

              •   Grants and contributions                                                                                           involve assessing maintenance agreements, utilities, janitorial services, and other factors associated with the
                                                                                                                                     new facilities. While bond proceeds cover these projects, building expenses will span multiple budget years
              •   Transfers from other funds                                                                                         during construction phase.
              •   Bond proceeds from tax and revenue supported debts

                                                                                                                                     Replacement of storm sewers, curb and gutters does not reduce the annual budget for maintenance.  It does
          Funding for the FY2024 capital projects are from fund balances, transfers, sales tax, General of                           allow these scarce dollars to be allocated to other projects for up to 15 years.  Every mile of road in which the
          Obligation and Certificates of Obligation issued for City Facilities and parks.                                            City rebuilds the storm sewers, curb and gutter allows the City to shift nearly $40,000 in maintenance materials
                                                                                                                                     and labor to other needed projects.  Replacing worn and damaged water lines reduces lost water and increases
                                                                                                                                     customer billing.  Each 1% of lost water that is captured through capital outlay is worth about $90,000 at current
                                                                               Bond      Developers'                                 commodity rates.
           Fund    Capital Project Funds  Sales Tax    Interest  Transfers                               Total
                                                                             Proceeds*  Contributions
            31   Street Reconstruction    $3,500,000    118,486                                         $3,618,486
            32   Capital Improvements                         338,349             32,102,128                 32,440,477
            35   Equipment Replacement                            9,054         850,000                           859,054
            42   Water & Sewer Projects                       196,188      5,800,000                           5,996,188
            44   Water & Sewer Impact Fees                      19,954                 -                425,000             444,954
            46   Drainage Capital Projects                      20,531         200,000                            220,531
                             Total Revenues  $3,500,000  $702,562  $6,850,000  $32,102,128  $425,000  $43,579,690
                 Use of Fund Balance**                                                                    8,937,438.00
                              Total Funding                                                           $52,517,128
           *Bond issued in previous years for the new Law Enforcement Center, City Hall and North Park.
           **Use of fund balance for Streets, Water and Sewer, and Drainage Projects.
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