Page 43 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 43
Overall, current outstanding governmental debt as of October 1 is $176.6 million, with GO Bonds
comprising 43% of total debt, down from 49%. During FY24 total outstanding debt is projected
to decrease by $2 million (-1.2%).
Outstanding Interest Total Percentage
Debt Instrument Principal Due Debt of Total
General Obligation Bonds 67,695,000 9,044,354 $76,739,354 43.60%
Certificates of Obligation 65,400,000 18,263,210 $83,663,210 47.53%
Tax Notes and Contractual Obligations $215,000 $13,100 $228,100 0.13%
Sales Tax Revenue Bonds $12,555,000 $2,825,253 $15,380,253 8.74%
Total $145,865,000 $30,145,917 $176,010,917 100.00%