Page 29 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
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                                               FY 2023-24 APPROVED OPERATING BUDGET
                                                     SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS
                                                     - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                          2020-21    2021-22    2022-23     2022-23    2023-24
                REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES:       Actual      Actual     Budget    Estimate  Approved
                Taxes                                   97,964,775  123,540,396  114,745,044  129,625,918  125,492,888
                Licenses, Fees & Permits                10,060,694  7,716,794  7,634,746  7,800,920   8,064,255
                Fines and Forfeitures                   2,520,841   1,143,267  1,125,300  1,282,173   1,138,200
                Charges for Services                    43,888,683  55,097,424  54,778,781  60,469,329  61,633,057
                Federal /State /Local Funds & Grants    3,990,496   3,651,930   344,094     285,666    283,843
                Interest Income                           78,166     531,772    464,000   3,875,084    549,000
                Transfers In                            24,469,307  26,790,536  13,217,849  13,104,251  14,255,510
                Miscellaneous                           13,644,323  7,067,021  2,500,586  3,987,623   3,084,086
                TOTAL                                  196,617,284  225,539,140  194,810,400  220,430,964  214,500,839

                                                          2020-21    2021-22    2022-23     2022-23    2023-24
                EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES:     Actual      Actual     Budget    Estimate  Approved
                Personnel                               59,699,258  61,783,926  66,628,123  59,315,849  71,946,824
                Supplies                                5,503,037   9,811,718  7,119,820  4,968,796   8,514,319
                Maintenance                             3,940,194   4,979,698  3,939,106  3,251,230   3,483,607
                Services                                42,980,282  49,304,213  53,423,267  37,625,225  58,540,059
                Insurance                               14,548,513  13,543,654  17,668,974  11,120,278  18,845,811
                Debt Service                            15,211,029  14,878,255  14,505,969  14,502,970  14,507,118
                Transfers Out                          234,469,307  26,790,536  13,267,849  18,526,664  15,214,520
                Permanent Capital / Street Maint.       4,456,406    959,322   5,612,000  4,218,884   6,170,000
                Interlocal / Inter-Agency               9,305,545  11,916,694  12,060,238  13,636,382  13,653,337
                Capital Outlay                          1,873,887    606,828    867,165    866,972    1,458,282
                TOTAL                                  391,987,459  194,574,844  195,092,511  168,033,250  212,333,877

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