Page 24 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 24


               In 2007 the city developed a Budget Contingency Plan to serve a two-fold purpose of:
               (1)  Enacting structural changes that affect the short-term financial outlook;
               (2)  Remain in place to monitor financial conditions and serve as an “early warning” mechanism.

               The Budget Contingency Plan addresses the following operational areas:
                   •  Service Provision / Efficiency
                   •  Personnel
                   •  Equipment Replacement
                   •  Revenue Enhancement
                   •  Administrative / Operational Policies
                   •  Debt Management
                   •  Fiscal Planning

                                            BUDGET CONTINGENCY PLAN
                              Operational Area                            Recommended Action
                Service Provision / Efficiency                 Conduct departmental reviews to: (1) identify
                                                               core services to focus on;  (2) identify the cost
                                                               drivers that inhibit the efficiency and
                                                               effectiveness of service delivery; and  (3)
                                                               develop strategies to improve the efficiency
                                                               and effectiveness
                Personnel                                      Freeze all General Fund vacant positions, new
                                                               positions and promotions;  evaluate current
                                                               positions for creation of attrition list;  retain
                                                               key employees by maintaining competitive
                                                               local employment market position
                Equipment Replacement                          Analyze fleet, technology and capital
                                                               equipment replacement schedules
                Revenue Enhancement                            Reevaluate all revenue programs; continue to
                                                               focus on economic development
                Administrative / Operational Policies          Examine policies regarding employee take-
                                                               home vehicles and fund balance reserves
                Debt Management                                Prioritize capital projects and pay cash
                                                               whenever fiscally prudent; enact cash funding
                                                               for all equipment replacement
                Fiscal Planning                                Develop “early warning” system to monitor
                                                               revenue and expenditure trends

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