Page 228 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 228
GOLF (210)
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24
Account/Description Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
34600 Golf Club Rental Revenues 16,340 26,747 20,000 29,479 28,500
34606 Cart Rentals 773,847 851,326 750,000 877,701 990,000
CART AND CLUB RENTALS 790,187 878,073 770,000 907,180 1,018,500
34607 Tournament Fees 6,860 4,585 2,500 9,436 10,000
TOURNAMENT FEES 6,860 4,585 2,500 9,436 10,000
34610 Driving Range 226,596 270,786 240,000 273,493 282,000
DRIVING RANGE 226,596 270,786 240,000 273,493 282,000
34616 Golf Merchandise Sales 284,766 404,759 350,000 455,514 450,000
GOLF PRO SHOP SALES 284,766 404,759 350,000 455,514 450,000
34620 Golf Course-Green Fees 1,796,000 1,946,821 1,810,000 2,155,893 2,250,000
GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 1,796,000 1,946,821 1,810,000 2,155,893 2,250,000
34622 Annual Green Fee Memberships 354,250 313,000 400,000 380,850 480,000
GREEN FEE MEMBERSHIPS 354,250 313,000 400,000 380,850 480,000
34614 Persimmons Food & Bev - 5,784 1,718,000 1,216,875 1,597,000
34625 Restaurant % Of Sales 23,108 - 10,000 - -
RESTAURANT SALES % 23,108 5,784 1,728,000 1,216,875 1,597,000
34630 Lesson Income 25,580 16,296 20,000 47,570 30,000
LESSON INCOME 25,580 16,296 20,000 47,570 30,000
39230 Interest On Investments - 3,938 1,200 16,076 1,200
39231 Interest Earned-'98 Bds - 1 900 5 900
39232 Int On Invest '02 Tax Note - - 900 - 900
INTEREST INCOME - 3,939 3,000 16,081 3,000
34635 Golf-Sub-Lease 307,634 398,479 310,000 376,653 450,000
GOLF SUB-LEASE 307,634 398,479 310,000 376,653 450,000
39280 Gain Or Loss On Sale Of Assets (3,643) - - - -
39710 Insurace Rercoveries - - - 4,186 -
39950 Sales Of Fixed Assets 240,400 5,874 - - 272,000
39995 (Over)/Short (371) 217 - 708 -
39999 Miscellaneous Revenues 27,377 17,673 20,000 23,929 25,000
MISCELLANEOUS 263,763 23,764 20,000 28,823 297,000
TOTAL GOLF REVENUE 4,078,744 4,266,286 5,653,500 5,868,368 6,867,500