Page 131 - GrapevineFY24 Adopted Budget
P. 131

                                               FUND 130 - DEBT SERVICE

                                              - Budget At-A-Glance -

                                                             2021-22        2022-23        2022-23        2023-24
     REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES:                      Actual        Budget       Estimate      Approved

     Property Taxes                                        13,057,580     13,171,524     13,132,258    13,175,949
     Transfers from Other Funds                             2,057,569      2,060,869      2,060,869     2,057,569
     Miscellanous Revenues                                    22,915             0           7,094             0
     Interest Income                                          55,788        150,000        317,034        150,000
     Total                                                 15,193,852     15,382,393     15,517,255    15,383,518

                                                             2021-22        2022-23        2022-23        2023-24
     EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES:                    Actual        Budget       Estimate      Approved

     General Obligation Debt Payments                       6,220,000      6,485,000      6,485,000     5,710,000
     General Obligation Interest Payments                   1,814,132      1,595,543      1,595,543     1,389,543
     Certificates of Obligation Debt Payments               2,875,000      2,675,000      2,675,000     3,235,000
     Certificates of Obligation Interest Payments           1,772,637      1,684,063      1,684,063     2,111,850
     Tax Notes and Notes Payable                            1,398,894      1,401,444      1,401,444     1,398,169
     Transfers Out                                            670,738       661,919        661,920        659,556
     Fiscal Agent & Bond Issuance Fees                         8,681             0              0              0
     Miscellaneous Expenses                                   118,173            0              0              0
     Total                                                 14,878,255     14,502,969     14,502,970    14,504,118

                                                             2021-22        2022-23        2022-23        2023-24
     TOTAL OUTSTANDING DEBT:   (1)                             Actual        Budget       Estimate      Approved

     General Obligation                                    92,854,029    84,819,897     84,819,897     76,739,354
     Certificates of Obligation                            92,669,910    88,022,273     88,022,273     83,663,210
     Sales Tax Revenue Bonds                               18,180,591    16,781,697     16,781,697     15,380,253
     Tax Notes and Contractual Obligations                  1,560,758       890,020       890,020        228,100
     Total                                                205,265,288    190,513,887    190,513,887   176,010,917

     (1)  Total Principal and Interest;  Does not include Tax Increment Financing (TIRZ) debt obligations.
        As of May 12, 2023 total outstanding principal and interest of TIRZ obligations is $6,916,900

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